Not What I Expected - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,104

anywhere we could drive to. Four kids. Owning a retail store. It wasn’t conducive to international travel.”

“Well, now’s your time. I’m happy for you.”


Why did it hurt to see him? Oh … right. My heart never let go. “So … you have a roommate. That’s so not you.”

He glanced through the window behind me. “Yeah. Claire’s doing her own searching for a new direction. I needed some help at the shop, and she needed a place to live for a while. It’s just good bartering.”

I nodded slowly. “Well, I’ll let you get inside to see her. I’m sure you missed her.” My gaze didn’t quite reach his face. “Maybe I’ll see you around now that I’m venturing out. Get some sleep.”

“I’ll walk you to your vehicle.” He reached for the bag in my hand.

“What? No. Don’t be silly.” I tried to pull away from his hand wrapped around the handles of the bag next to mine.

“I’m not being silly.” He pulled the bag out of my grip and headed toward the parking lot like it was a forgone conclusion that I was parked there.

I was.

“You are being silly.” I huffed, catching up to him.

“I’m not. I’m being greedy.”


“Yeah.” He shot me a quick sidelong glance. “Looking for any excuse to spend a few extra minutes with you.”

There he went … reaching for that jar on the highest shelf with my heart inside it.

“What about Claire?”

“Claire already spent time with you. It’s my turn.”

Smart ass …

I couldn’t hide my grin. “Kael …”

He found my Tahoe with ease … probably because he’d parked right next to me. As soon as he reached the driver’s door, he turned. “Elsie.”

In a silent standoff, we held our ground as if waiting for the other one to blink.

“Have you missed me?” He blinked first.

“Does it matter?” My head tilted to the side as I curled my shorter hair behind my ear.

“No.” His eyes shifted, inspecting me from head to toe. “But have you missed me?”

The familiar thrill and anxiety of falling in love came rushing back. My mind raced with possibilities and fear. My heart fluttered as it tried to find its normal rhythm again. I don’t remember falling out of love with Kael, yet there I was … falling in love with him again. A disorganized euphoria of emotions made it impossible to speak.

“Are you really not going to answer me?”

I shrugged. “Do I really have to?”

“Are you seeing anyone?”

My lips twisted. “Does it matter?”

“No.” He grinned, bending to the side to set my bag on the ground. “But are you seeing anyone?”

I giggled, shaking my head.

“Is that a no?”

“It’s a ‘you’re crazy.’” I unlocked my doors and gave him a gentle nudge with my elbow, so he’d step aside. I grabbed the bag and opened the door. “It’s been good seeing you.” I told my heart to just chill out and play it cool for once.

“Who’s mowing your lawn?” He blocked the door with his body after I climbed into my Tahoe.

I fastened my seat belt. “I mow it.”

“Have you ever thought about paying someone else to do it?”

“No. Why?” I slipped on my sunglasses.

“Well, I’d be willing to make the same deal with you on your lawn as I did clearing snow from your driveway.”

Pressing my finger to the top of my sunglasses, I slid them down to the tip of my nose, eyeing him over the frame. “Oh, yeah?” As hard as I tried to play it super cool, I felt the burning in my cheeks and the prickling along my skin as my breaths struggled to stay even.

He nodded slowly, that grin killing me as he reached for my face to remove the strands of hair blowing across my lips. “It’s the Christian thing to do.”

“Funny … I’ve always thought of you as Satan.”

“I can see that.” He rested his hands on the edge of the roof. His T-shirt slid up and his shorts slid down, giving me a glimpse of his abs and the trail running south of them. “So …”

Snapping my gaze up to his face, I swallowed hard. “Yeah … so … Friday works. You can mow my lawn Friday.”

He tapped the roof three times and stepped back. “Friday.”

I shut the door and held my breath until he was in my rearview mirror. Then I released a harsh breath. “Oh, Elsie … you’re in trouble.”


My hands shook as I tried to thread my needle just after one o’clock. I’d woken up at six that morning, walked with Amie Copyright 2016 - 2024