Not Magic Enough and Setting Boundaries - By Valerie Douglas Page 0,42

he’d be showing favoritism, set one against another and he risked acrimony. If he chose a member of his own staff they’d say he had set himself over and above the lesser Kings. Among the wizards there were those who hated the elder races. And the elder races had more than enough reason to hate wizards.

Elon had to go as it was he who had negotiated the Agreement and only he the Elves and Dwarves would trust and accept as their envoy. His Elven honor held him up in their eyes, his integrity unquestioned. Even by men.

Unlike himself, Daran thought bitterly.

Then there were Aerilann’s defensive skills - skills beyond that which most men possessed. They would be necessary, too. Not everyone was reconciled to the Agreement, even some of those who’d signed it, as Daran well knew.

Daran nodded and looked to Elon. “Very well, when will you leave then?”

Glancing at Jareth in question, Elon said, “Immediately, if possible.”

A grin flashed over the young wizard’s face as he gestured to his pack beside the door.

“I’m ready if you are.”

Watching, Colath was already beginning to like the brash young wizard, despite what he was. He sensed through the bond he and Elon shared that Elon did, too. This might not be as much of a trial as they’d feared.

“Very well, then,” Elon said and nodded. He looked at Daran. “We leave immediately.”

It was clear Daran was startled by their readiness but could find no reason to delay them.

To be honest, though Daran said nothing, Elon knew Daran was relieved to be spared his presence for a time and there was something to be said for that.

“Ready?” Elon said to the wizard, who nodded.

Inclining his head, Elon turned for the doors, the young wizard falling in at his right as Colath fell in on his left, in guard position, ever and always at Elon’s back.

The guards gave no apparent notice to them and the staff ignored them but Jareth saw heads turn among the visitors to the castle to see two Elves accompanied by a man - him - as they walked through the High King’s castle. Together. He supposed he’d get used to the stares. It would take months, if not years, to set all the markers at the pace most horses of men could manage.

Stepping out into the brilliant sunlight to see what awaited there he suddenly thought, Maybe not.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, couldn’t allow himself to hope.

A trio of horses awaited, not two, and not just any horses. Beautiful Elven-bred horses. For a moment Jareth simply couldn’t encompass it, the thought of even touching an Elven-bred horse was so far beyond his comprehension.

Gleaming in the sunlight, they were tall animals, standing hands higher than the horses of men, even the massive draft horses such as farmers used. These were lean and sleek with large intelligent eyes. A breath of breeze feathered through manes and tails as light as silk. Bred by the Elves for speed and stamina it was said an Elven-bred could cross the Kingdoms in weeks rather than months. So attuned were they to their rider that their reins were simply decorative.

They were also beautiful, magnificent examples of horseflesh.

One was so deep a black its hide glinted with blue highlights, its tack so light as to be clearly for show, and of the same color as its hide, while the other was silvery-gold in shade, like ripe wheat.

The third was a deep mottled gray.

Reaching out, Elon grasped that horse’s reins, drew its head around gently so the horse could see him.

“His name is Zo,” he said. “He’s a cull but he’s strong and intelligent.”

For a moment, Jareth could only stand there breathless, afraid to comprehend, afraid to believe what they were offering him, however temporarily. Even a cull was so far beyond his pocketbook as to be unimaginable.

Reaching out tentatively, Jareth stroked a hand down the silky nose. “Fog.”

Zo allowed the touch.

Elon lifted an eyebrow in surprise. “Just so. So you do speak Elven, it’s not just rote.”

Slowly Jareth nodded, distracted by the horse, by the wonder of him. “As much as I am able, with texts I found in the library from the past. My pronunciations may be off.”

The young wizard was so fascinated with the horse he didn’t even note the small smile Elon allowed to grace his face at his amazement, his unassuming nature, and his pleasure in the horse.

“We can correct that,” Colath said, amused.

Lifting his head, Jareth looked to Elon, Copyright 2016 - 2024