Not Magic Enough and Setting Boundaries - By Valerie Douglas Page 0,41

Few men bothered to learn even that much of the Elven language. Not even Daran.

“Ala, Jareth,” he said, quietly pleased.

Colath looked to Elon, before lifting an eyebrow and looking back at the young wizard who had greeted them in their own language. He inclined his head in greeting and relaxed a fraction.

“Ala, Jareth of Doncerric,” he said.

It was in the eyes, Jareth thought, looking at him.

Their impassive expressions gave little away, but Elon of Aerilann’s dark eyes had kindled, sparked with interest. Had Jareth been elsewhere and in different company he might have whooped and jumped around in triumph but as it was he simply inclined his head in response.

As he watched the exchange, it was clear Daran didn’t like this turn of events one little bit, but he said nothing.

“Are we ready then to begin?” Elon asked, looking to the High King.

He was eager to be off. There was no love lost between himself and the High King of Men - which was of no matter to him. They could and would work together. That was enough.

Whatever else, Daran wanted to be remembered by his own people, but especially among the elder races, as the man who had wrought this peace.

Elon had learned quickly that he couldn’t trust the conniving Daran; the man loved his own plots and schemes far too well. He’d been burnt once and that had been enough. Daran sought his place in history by way of the Agreement. It was to be his legacy, nothing more. How that peace would be gotten - by what means - didn’t matter to him so long as it was gotten and his place in history assured. His reasons didn’t matter to Elon, so long as there was peace for his people.

In spite of that, Elon felt a lifting of spirit - a sense of hope he couldn’t deny. This would be the last piece of an intricate puzzle.

For the first time in memory - and his long-lived people had longer memories than men - there was a chance at a real and lasting peace. For that Elon was willing to tolerate almost anything. If they succeeded in their mission, those boundaries that men recognized would be marked. All the lesser Kings had signed that Agreement and agreed therefore to abide by it.

No more would there be war between Elves, Dwarves and men over land. Never again would a King or Queen of men push beyond their boundaries and cry foul to their people when Elves or Dwarves rose up in defense. Never again would other regents rise up in battle when their brothers sought common cause against the Elder races. For those who took up arms, there would be others who could and would stand aside, rightfully, legally. They would point at that document and ask if those who called for war would be forsworn.

If they didn’t, the High King’s own army would.

Never again would the armies of men be raised against Elven folk as had happened in the past.

Instead, the High King would put forth his levies in defense of Elven and Dwarven hegemony.

For Daran to have his legacy, he would and must stand with the Elves…even against his own people.

It was as if a weight Elon hadn’t known he carried lifted from his shoulders.

He was under no illusions. There were those who would try to prevent this mission, which was why he would risk no other than himself and Colath in attempting it.

Save this young wizard.

Looking down his long nose at Jareth, Daran asked, “What has your Master told you?”

Clasping his hands behind his back, Jareth nodded respectfully to the High King.

“I am to be part of those who set the Border markers as per the Agreement, acting as guide, as wizard, and as the representative of Men in this as Elon of Aerilann is representative of Elves and Dwarves.”

Daran didn’t like it, couldn’t like it, that a common orphan…this wizard…would represent Men in this endeavor but there was no help for it. A wizard had to go - to set the markers in place as only a wizard could. Elon would go to verify that the markers were indeed set, properly, defining the lands of Elves, Dwarves and Men for all time so there could be no quarrel over them - a source of contention in the past.

He would’ve preferred to send someone more…appropriate…but there wasn’t anyone else. It was difficult enough to choose any.

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