Nonverbal - Aria Grace Page 0,15

working on 2500-piece puzzles. My mom had a ton in her basement so I brought some over to see if Liam liked them. Turned out he was pretty good at matching shapes and colors. Better than me, for sure. I always started with the outer edge pieces and Liam was usually halfway finished with the interior pieces by the time I got the frame done.

He dropped down onto the floor in front of the low table we’d been working at and picked up a handful of pieces to place. I don’t know how he was able to visualize where random pieces went but he could position almost any piece with shocking accuracy just by briefly looking between the piece and the box cover.

Instead of sitting on the other side of the table, I sat down beside him with my thigh brushing the side of his. To give him space, I scooted over a few inches but Liam followed, moving closer until we were connected from knee to hip. We stayed in that position for over an hour while we worked on the puzzle, but when my back started to cramp from being hunched over, I had to get up.

“Wanna go for a walk?” I reached for Liam’s hand, knowing he’d take it because he was almost always agreeable to my suggestions.

He popped up onto his feet and grabbed my hand. Then he dragged me out of the room and down the stairs.

“Whoa, slow down.” I arched my back from side to side to work out the kinks. “We should take some water. It’s hot out there.”

Liam released my hand and went to the cabinet with refillable water bottles. He pulled out one of the larger containers and filled it up. He glanced up at me once before holding the bottle in my direction as an offering.

“Is that all for me?” I grabbed the bottom of the bottle but Liam didn’t let go of it.

With his hand still gripping the top, he met my gaze again.

It took me a second to realize what he was trying to tell me…or rather ask me. “Are we sharing this one?”

He released the bottle and his shoulders relaxed, creating some distance from his ears.

I reached out and placed my palm on his cheek, getting his attention once again. He was so beautiful. Piercing blue eyes that were almost impossible to look away from and a strong jawline that I wanted so desperately to kiss. “Okay, then I think we’re ready.”

Liam opened the door and walked outside in front of me. As soon as the door was shut, he reached for the hand that was empty, and we left the driveway like two lovers on a stroll. It was exactly what I needed before heading out to see my mom…and my dad.


Spending time with Mom was always stressful. The guilt I harbored over not finishing college would probably always be a barrier between us. That and the resentment she felt toward me. Not just for being a disappointment as an adult, but for not being mature enough to save my dad when I was a kid. Neither of us will ever forgive me for that but going to visit him a few times a year made us both feel closer to him.

I’d long suspected she spent more time at his graveside than she told me about, and that was fine with me. If she told me every time she went, I’d feel obligated to go with her. And I couldn’t handle going more often than I did.

It was just too emotionally draining.

Every time I came home from the cemetery, I was exhausted and almost groggy from all the conflicting thoughts and scenarios that played out in my mind. When I told Mrs. Brenner I wanted to come back to work after, I’d forgotten about that part.

Being anything but my best self when I was with Liam wasn’t fair to him. He could read my moods better than anyone and as soon as I walked into his studio that afternoon, he knew something was wrong.

Liam was at his easel with a brush in his hand when I walked in and leaned on the wall behind him. He immediately put down his brush and turned into my chest, hugging me tightly against him.

My arms closed on him too and I clung to him to soothe us both. “I’m okay, Liam. I promise.”

Even when my arms loosened, he maintained a firm grip for several seconds before finally stepping away Copyright 2016 - 2024