Nonverbal - Aria Grace Page 0,14

they trusted me with their son. But I still felt scared to push Liam toward something he might not fully understand. “You really believe he can consent to a physical relationship with a man?”

Mr. Brenner held my eyes as he nodded once. “We trust you with him, Wyatt. And we trust that Liam will tell you what he needs in his own way. We just wanted you to know that.”

“Okay, I’m not entirely sure what to say, but I’ll keep all that in mind.” In fact, it was the only thing in my mind… I didn’t know what that new information actually meant for me and Liam, but having permission from his parents, and assurance that Liam was capable of making his own decisions when it came to our intensifying relationship, made me feel a whole lot better.

Liam was no longer just a job for me. He hadn’t been for a while. And now I wanted nothing more than to be the man to take care of him in ways no one else could…or ever would.


I was just getting out of the shower when my phone buzzed on my bed.

It was a text from Mom. I’ll be going to the cemetery at noon. Will you join me?

The cemetery? It took a minute for me to realize what day it was. With the hours I was putting in with the Brenners and the personal dilemmas I was dealing with regarding Liam, I’d almost missed the anniversary of my father’s death. Yes, I’ll pick you up.

After quickly getting dressed, I went over to the main house early to ask for some time off. The family was just starting breakfast, when I let myself in through the mudroom. Liam saw me walk in and immediately stood up and walked to me. As soon as I was within arm’s reach, he pulled me into a hug and rested his head on my shoulder.

That was how he greeted me now but we were usually alone in his studio when he did. Being on display in front of his whole family was a bit awkward, but I needed the strength his embrace gave me more than I needed to maintain the facade of distance between us.

So I held him tightly and breathed in the warm scent of his hair. “Good morning, Liam.”

His fingertips dug into my back in response.

“Finish up breakfast. I need to talk to your mom for a minute.”

Liam sat down to finish eating while Mrs. Brenner joined me in the hallway. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just need to leave about thirty minutes early today, if that’s okay.” I slipped my hands into my pockets and looked at a family portrait on the wall. It was a photo taken last Christmas morning, and it made me think about the last time Mom and I took a picture like that with Dad. It was a long time ago.

“Sure, of course.” She placed her hand on my forearm and gave me a squeeze. “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”

I nodded and met her gaze. “Yeah, um, it’s the anniversary of my dad’s passing. My mom and I always go to the cemetery together so I’m going to pick her up at noon.”

“Oh, honey.” She leaned against my arm and gave me a half hug. “Take the whole day if you want. We can distract Liam so he’ll hardly notice you’re gone.”

“Thanks but he’d notice.” I chuckled softly, thinking about the last time I tried to take a day off. Liam went looking for me in my apartment and waited on the step until I got home from visiting my mom. Apparently, he’d sat there for almost four hours. I felt terrible when I got back, and Liam followed me around the rest of the day until he passed out next to me while I watched the news. “Besides, I want to. I just need to leave a little early but I’ll only be gone a few hours. We usually get lunch afterward and then I’ll be home.”

“If you’re sure.” She patted my back then stepped away. “But if you do need more time, just send a text. It’s no trouble.”

I followed her back into the kitchen and popped a piece of bacon into my mouth while Liam finished his juice and got up. “You all done?”

He reached for my hand and pulled me toward the staircase.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I let him pull me up to his studio. “Are you anxious to finish the puzzle?”

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