No Good Deed - Marie Sexton Page 0,72

it was fingers pushing into him or a cock, he loved it. The bed rocked, slamming against the wall. The smell of sex became almost overwhelming.

Finally, they found their own partners. Warren and Avery spit-roasted Taylor between them while Gray took Avery from behind. Jonas ended up standing while Charlie fucked him. Phil stood next to Jonas. River knelt at their feet, a cock in each hand as he sucked them each in turn.

Phil held Jonas’s face and kissed him hard, ravaging his mouth while Charlie fucked him and River continued servicing them below. Jonas whimpered. River’s hand moved fast and hard on Jonas’s cock. The crack of the crop against Avery’s back and Taylor’s loud, lusty cries from the other side of the bed drove them all forward. Flesh slapped against flesh—Charlie fucking Jonas, Warren fucking Taylor, Gray fucking Avery. Jonas knew only the overwhelming pleasure of Charlie’s cock, River’s hand, Phil’s mouth.

Jonas moaned, his arms around Phil’s neck, fighting to hold his orgasm back. He didn’t want to be the first one to come, but he couldn’t last much longer. Luckily, he wasn’t the only one hanging on by a thread. Avery lost his battle first, crying out as he came. From there, the men on the other side of the bed fell like dominos—Taylor, then Gray, then Warren.

“Purple,” River suddenly gasped. “Purple, purple, purple.”

Phil laughed, one hand on River’s head. “Go ahead. Jonas and I will be right there with you.”

River’s orgasm sent them all tumbling, much as Avery’s had done for the others. Jonas was happy to give up the fight. He let Charlie hold him from behind, watching as Phil finally finished. Between him and Jonas, River’s chin was covered in semen, and Phil stooped down to kiss him hungrily. He collected semen with his tongue and kissed Jonas again, sharing it with him as well. He smiled at Jonas.

“I knew you’d fit in well here.”

Jonas laughed and hugged him, utterly sated, strangely near tears. He’d worried about being part of this group again—about how the sex with all eight of them would work—but it had all been fine. More than fine, really. It had been perfect.

They cleaned up, slowly pulling clothes back on, everybody smiling and laughing. The old group had never been so light-hearted and simple. Sex together had often ended up with Charlie, Phil, and Warren each trying to soothe their submissive’s bruised egos. Gray and Jonas had fought too, although usually for different reasons. But here, nobody seemed upset. Taylor hung his arm over Avery’s shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. River got to his feet, moaning as his knees popped.

“Man, I’m starving,” Gray said. “You still have cookies?”

“When has he ever not had cookies?” Warren grumbled.

“We’re actually going to play poker now, right?” River asked as they all headed for the kitchen. “I’m pretty sure I finally figured out Phil’s tell.”

“I don’t have one.”

Once again, Jonas found himself left behind with Avery. “Thanks again,” Jonas said. “I mean it.”

“No problem.” Avery put his arm over Jonas’s shoulders and steered him toward the hallway. “Can I offer a little advice?”

“Sure,” Jonas said, thinking, Here it comes. Here’s where the problems begin.

But Avery said only, “Never bet against Taylor. He’s not just insatiable. He also wins almost every hand.”

Chapter 21

It was a good thing Jonas had to fast the night before the surgery, because it meant there was nothing for him to throw up the next morning. He retched anyway, over and over again until his ribs ached, fear turning his stomach inside out as he leaned over the toilet bowl.

Charlie squatted behind him, gently rubbing Jonas’s back. Jonas hated for Charlie to see him like this. Watching somebody throw up was gross, even if there was nothing in his stomach. But Charlie was a nurse.

“I’ve seen worse, believe me,” he’d said to Jonas. And the gentle reassurance of Charlie’s hand on his back was the only thing keeping Jonas from devolving into a full-blown, mind-numbing panic.

“They’ll give you something to calm you down as soon as they get the IV in,” Charlie told him. “I know you’re scared, but an hour from now, it’s going to feel easy.” His big hand continued to rub Jonas’s back. “And a ten-year-old boy will get a new lease on life today, all because of you.”

A ten-year-old boy would get Jonas’s kidney. That’s what they’d told Jonas at his pre-op appointment. A boy who’d survived the last two years by being hooked to a Copyright 2016 - 2024