No Good Deed - Marie Sexton Page 0,108

gasping, whimpering, fighting to stay quiet even though there was no reason for it now. Rob’s fingers dug painfully into the back of Will’s neck.

“William, wait.”

He used a handful of Will’s jacket to drag him to his feet. His hands went immediately to Will’s belt. Will kissed him, letting him open his jeans and push them down his hips. His hand finally found Will’s erection. “Please tell me you have a condom.”

Of course he did. He’d prepared carefully tonight, wanting to be ready for any possibility. The rubber he’d stashed in his jacket pocket came with a little packet of lube. Will put it on as Rob stripped halfway out of his pants. He left them hanging from one foot, too impatient to bother with the rest. Will liked that he’d left on his suit jacket and tie, though. His daydreams had definitely included Robert still in his suit, more often than not.

Robert pulled Will back into a kiss, leaning back on the narrow desk as he lifted his knees.

“Not too fast,” he said, still whispering as if someone might hear them. “I can’t take you all at once.”

“No problem.”

He went slow, kissing Rob the whole time. An inch or two until Rob tensed, then back out. Then in a bit more, then back out. The desk was so narrow that Rob’s back was against the wall, his legs locked around Will’s waist, his eyes open but heavily lidded. Each time Will pushed a little deeper, they’d flutter closed, a hushed whimper rising from his throat. Will couldn’t get enough of that sound. He kissed Rob deeply, waiting for that breathy sigh, moaning each time he heard it. He was almost disappointed when he finally slid all the way in, his hips hitting Rob’s ass, pushing him into the wall.

“Almost,” Rob whispered. “I only need a minute.”

Will steeled himself, holding Rob, fighting to keep his motions gentle. One more slow, careful, tentative thrust. Then another. A third, sliding in easier this time. A couple more careful pushes and Rob sighed, finally relaxing that last little bit.

He groaned, pulling Will’s mouth back to his. “Now.”

Will didn’t need to be told twice. He didn’t go slow, but he didn’t go too fast either. The flimsy desk rocked, creaking with each push, and Will hoped like hell it didn’t fall apart underneath them. Rob arched his back, pushing his hips closer, spreading his knees farther, allowing Will more room. He didn’t close his eyes. Having decided to do this, he was there in every way, completely present, not hiding anything.

“Oh, God.” Rob locked his fingers behind Will’s neck, desperately hanging on, fighting to stay quiet even though there was certainly no need. “Oh God, William.”

Will kissed him hard, using Rob’s tie as a leash. “Tell me how you want it.”

“Harder,” Robert gasped, without apology. “Faster.”

And Will complied. He pushed Rob’s knees toward his chest and gave him exactly what he’d asked for.

“Oh, God, yes.”

The desk rocked, knocking against the wall with each thrust. The cup of pencils fell to the floor. The stapler followed. The desk calendar bounced off the wall with each thrust like a clumsy pinball. Rob’s head hit the painting on the wall, knocking it askew. Two more thrusts and it fell, sliding sideways, bouncing off the edge of the desk to shatter on the floor. Rob ignored every bit of it, holding on to Will, all thoughts of being quiet forgotten, each thrust driving a new word or sound from his throat.

“Oh. God. Will. Yes.”

The sound of the crowd in the Tap House was muted. Will heard only his blood roaring in his ears, the desk slamming against the wall, Rob’s desperate cries. He kissed Rob again, smelling his aftershave, tasting wine. God, he could lose himself in this man. Hoped to soon, one of these days, but now, he wanted only to please him. To watch him finally shed all his inhibitions as he came.

Will braced himself against the wall with one arm and used the other hand on Rob’s cock, stroking in time with his thrusts. For all of his desperation to give Rob what he wanted, Will was going to be the one to succumb first. He sensed Rob was close, but not quite there. He gritted his teeth, fighting it as long as he could, until he couldn’t take it anymore and he slammed Rob against the wall one last time.

Damn it. All of Rob’s talk about not wanting to disappoint Will, and now it was going to be the other way around. He sank quickly back to the chair, once again taking Rob’s cock in his mouth, his fingers finding Rob’s entrance. He enjoyed the warmth of his own semen around his fingers as he slid inside, going straight for Will’s prostate, stroking hard.

“Oh, God.” Rob’s fingers dug into the back of his scalp. “Oh, God!”

It took only a second, and Will breathed a mental sigh of relief. He hadn’t beaten Rob to the finish line by much. He swallowed it all, thrilled at the way Rob’s body tensed around his fingers as he came and the way Robert’s long, graceful fingers felt on his head.

“Oh, William,” Rob breathed, almost laughing with relief. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so impatient, but it’d been way too long.”

Will smiled and rose to kiss him. “No need to apologize.” Now that the urgency was over, Rob softened against him, holding him, smiling as they kissed. His jacket hung open, his tie crooked. He’d put himself back together and walk out of his office looking as proper as he had coming in, but Will knew now he’d been right—some part of Rob wanted nothing more than an excuse to let go, and Will vowed to be the guy who would give him that, as frequently as possible. “Promise me that someday soon, you’ll let me take my time.”


Will kissed him again, but had to let him go eventually so they could get clean up. Thank goodness there was a box of tissues in one of the desk drawers. Once he had his pants back on, Rob gathered the pens and pencils off the floor while Will carefully picked up broken glass and dropped it in the trash can under the desk.

“What are you going to tell your sister?”

Rob laughed. “I was just thinking about that. I can either say with a very straight face that I can’t believe she didn’t feel the small earthquake that hit downtown Denver last night. Or I can be honest and tell her I took her very sound advice and finally got laid.” He laughed again. “Although I’m quite sure she didn’t mean for me to do it on top of the desk where she eats her lunch.”

It was strange, emerging back into the Tap House. The noise of the crowd and the smell of beer hit Will all at once. One of the guys from his leather club caught his eye and winked at him, clearly guessing what he’d been doing. He wasn’t the only one. Emily gave him a knowing a grin.

“Looks like that went well.”

“No comment. But if Robert’s sister asks, there was definitely an earthquake tonight.”

She laughed. “Yep. I felt it. Two or three of my pint glasses got broken in the process.”

They emerged into the cold night air, the foothills lost to the darkness, the glow of Downtown Denver hiding the stars. Rob turned to face him. Less than ten minutes earlier, he’d had his pants hanging from one ankle and his legs around Will’s waist, but now, the shy version of Rob was suddenly back, a slow blush creeping up his cheeks in the light of the Tap House’s neon sign.

“What happens now?” he asked.

Will moved close, kissing him. Rob’s body lined up perfectly against his. Even now, Rob couldn’t seem to stop smiling, and neither could Will. “That invitation for dinner and a nightcap at my place still stands.”

This time, Robert didn’t hesitate to say “yes.”

About the Author

Marie Sexton lives in Colorado. She's a fan of just about anything that involves muscular young men piling on top of each other. In particular, she loves the Denver Broncos and enjoys going to the games with her husband. Her imaginary friends often tag along. Marie has one daughter, two cats, and one dog, all of whom seem bent on destroying what remains of her sanity. She loves them anyway.

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Email: [email protected]

Also by Marie Sexton


A to Z

The Letter Z

Strawberries for Dessert

Paris A to Z

Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding

Between Sinners and Saints

Song of Oestend

Saviours of Oestend

Blind Space

Second Hand

Never a Hero

Family Man

Flowers for Him

One More Soldier


Normal Enough

Roped In

Chapter 5 and the Axe-Wielding Maniac

Apartment 14 and the Devil Next Door

Lost Along the Way


Winter Oranges

Damned If You Do

Trailer Trash

Making Waves

The Well

One Man’s Trash

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