No Good Deed - Marie Sexton Page 0,107

whatsoever. Just a random, completely mundane trip to his office before heading home.

Will had never been inside the room before. It was cramped. An old armchair and two filing cabinets filled most of the space. A narrow desk took up the far wall. A neat stack of file folders sat dead center on its top, surrounded by the usual supplies—a cup full of pens and pencils, a stapler, a desktop calendar showing the date from the week before. A framed landscape painting hung on the wall above it, faded and generic, like those found in old hotel rooms. A small, upholstered office chair looked like the newest, most expensive piece of furniture in the room.

“Wow. Cozy,” Will joked, as Rob closed the door behind them.

Robert laughed. “Yes. In hindsight, if you have a big car, your back seat might have been roomier.”

He carefully moved the file folders from the desk to the top of the filing cabinet before turning to face Will, and like a light switch had been flicked, Will found himself facing a whole different Robert—not the quiet, conservative Robert who sold pianos and blushed at the mention of sex, but the version Will had expected lurked underneath all along, a smile on his face and an unmistakable invitation in his eyes.

“I hope you haven’t changed your mind.”

Before Will could answer, Rob pushed him backward against the door and kissed him. The shyness Will often saw in the bar was gone. This version of Rob showed no hesitation as he kissed Will, pushing closer. His hands found their way inside Will’s jacket, under his shirt. They were nearly the same height, and their hips angled against each other perfectly, their erections rubbing together through their pants. Robert was breathless yet quiet, as if worried the cheering sports fans in the Tap House might hear them.

Will had imagined their first encounter many times. He’d pictured everything from Robert being coy and embarrassed, needing to be carefully and respectfully seduced, to Robert suddenly dropping to his knees and admitting he knew far more about the world of kink than Will had ever guessed. But he supposed the guy who could flip a switch from reserved to ready for action in the blink of an eye made sense. It was like he’d said to Rob in the bar—they’d grown up in a different time. So many of their early sexual encounters had been hurried, hidden away in the dark corners of clubs, locked into bathroom stalls, the need to finally find some kind of release with another man overriding caution. There was no time for hesitation or second-guessing because all too soon, they’d be back in the real world. For Rob, that had undoubtedly meant being careful about his sexual preferences, never denying his homosexuality, but never flaunting it either. He hadn’t lived Will’s life, prowling through the back rooms of leather clubs, experimenting with everything from breath play to fisting.

Maybe Rob’s past sexual exploits had been as vanilla as he claimed, but he knew what he wanted, and now that they were alone, he had no hesitation about taking it. It was as if all his passion had been bottled up, ready to explode out of him. All he needed was privacy and opportunity. He fumbled at Will’s belt, but Will stopped him, edging him backward, against the desk. He sank into the desk chair, both of them rushing to get Rob’s suit pants open and out of the way so Will could take Rob’s long, slender cock in his mouth.

Robert’s moan was deep and quiet, one hand behind him on the desk, supporting his weight, the other gripping the shoulder of Will’s jacket. Halfway sitting on the desk as he was, he had no leverage to thrust. He could only lean back and enjoy himself as Will sucked. He made soft gasping noises, whispering Will’s name. The hand on Will’s shoulder slid under the collar of his jacket to wrap around the back of his neck, urging him to go faster, and Will complied. Someday soon, he’d get Robert into bed where he’d have plenty of time to tease him, drawing out their pleasure as long as they could both stand it, but that wasn’t what Rob wanted tonight. Will didn’t have to ask to know Robert hadn’t been with anyone in far too long. Will could practically smell his desperation in the muskiness of his groin. Could taste it on his flesh. Could hear it as he panted, Copyright 2016 - 2024