No Escape From War (Trouble for Hire #1) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,67

in the house? Do you think he’s already here?”

I sure as hell hope not.

“I’m in my bathroom. I’m locking the door. I-I didn’t see anyone when I was running down the hall.”

“The cops are coming. War and I are coming. It’s going to be okay,” Rose assured her. “You are going to be okay. I am going to talk to you the whole time. Nothing bad is going to happen. We’re going to keep you safe…”

Chapter Nineteen

“I hear something.” Simone’s tremulous words filled the interior of War’s car.

“We’re almost there,” Rose told her. “Two blocks. Just two more blocks. You’re going to be fine.” She couldn’t consider any other option. They’d made it this far. Simone was going to be all right. “I can see your house.”


“Simone!” Blue lights flashed up ahead.

“I hear voices.” A low whisper.

“It’s the cops. I see their lights. War is braking the car. I’m coming in. Simone, it’s going to be okay. Everything is okay!” She didn’t hang up. Even as she and War jumped from the car and ran with the cops to Simone’s house, Rose didn’t stop talking.

“I’m coming to meet you,” Simone said. “I’m unlocking the bathroom door. I’m coming out. You’re there? Promise, you’re there?”

“I’m here.” Almost at her station manager’s front door. “I promise.”

Seconds later, that front door was ripped open. Simone—wearing gray sweats and a matching top—stood trembling on the threshold.

“Ma’am, we want to search the house,” one of the cops said.

Simone gave a jerky nod. “Do it. Do—” She threw herself against Rose. Held on tight. “I have never been so scared in my whole life!”

Rose gripped her just as fiercely. Simone was safe. Alive. Rose hadn’t gotten there too late this time. They’d made a difference.

“You need to get someone to sweep the neighborhood.” War’s low voice reached her ears, and she knew he was talking to the cops. “Make sure the bastard isn’t lurking around, watching the scene. He could have been coming but stopped when he saw the blue lights.”

Simone shuddered.

“You shouldn’t stay here tonight,” Rose told her as Simone continued to grip her tightly. “We need to get you somewhere safe.”

Simone pulled back, but she didn’t let go of Rose. “I will be staying in freaking Fort Knox, I can assure you of that.” The light from her porch fell on her face and showed her strained expression. “Is this what it’s been like for you? The fear eating through you? Being so scared your whole body shakes?”

Rose nodded. Yes, that was exactly what it had been like. “He won’t get you.”

“I don’t want him getting either of us.”

Yes, that was a wonderful plan.


“No sign of the perp.” The detective’s frustration was clear. “Neighbors didn’t see anything. All the security cameras in this fancy neighborhood didn’t pick up jack. Either our guy is very, very good at evasion—”

“Or he was never here,” Rose finished.

Lynn nodded. “Your friend said she had a secure location she could use for the night. I’m going to keep uniforms on her, and I want to extend that same offer to you.” She motioned toward a silent War. “I get that he’s shadowing you, but if you want to come into protective custody—”

“Why did he want us racing over here?” Rose wondered. “Don’t get me wrong. I am thrilled that Simone is okay.” Thrilled. Relieved. Grateful to the depths of her very soul. “And, sure, he is good at evasion. He’s gotten away with his crimes for a long time. He obviously knows security. Knows how to stay in the shadows. Knows how to make sure he isn’t seen when he doesn’t want to be.”

War stiffened.

“But…if he wasn’t going after Simone, if he didn’t get scared off…if giving War that call was all a red herring…why?” The question wouldn’t stop nagging at her.

“Maybe he wanted you out in the open.” Lynn’s gaze drifted down the street. A few watchful neighbors still stood on their carefully edged and mowed lawns as they watched the scene. “And with that in mind, I think it’s time you left.” Her attention slid to War. “When you go back home, you’ll make sure you have no tails?

He nodded.

“Watch your ass,” Lynn directed curtly.

“I always do.” His head angled to the left. “Dylan is still in custody, that’s what you told me?”

“I’m letting him cool his heels for a while, yes.”

“Can you ask him a question for me?”

She winced. “He lawyered up again. But we’ll see what I can do.” A pause. “What’s the question?”

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