No Escape From War (Trouble for Hire #1) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,66

Someone who deserves exactly what she will get.”

“Who the hell are you talking about?” His heart pounded too fast.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure her death will make for a killer headline on the news. She won’t be behind the scenes any longer. She’ll be the lead.”


“War? What’s happening?”

“Bastard said he has a new target. He’s taunting me.”

“That’s what he did to me. He—he gave me clues. Wanted me to find his victim before he killed her.” She grabbed him with her left hand. “Tell me exactly what he said to you.”

“Told me not to worry.” Such a confident dick. “He said her death would make a killer headline. Then…something about her not being behind the scenes anymore. That she’d be leading.” He swore. “Said she’d come into his line of vision because of me.”

“Then it’s someone who has been in contact with you lately. It’s someone we’ve seen. If she works behind the scenes—oh, no!” Her voice rose. “It’s Simone! We were talking to her today at the station. She fired Dylan. Simone works behind the scenes and—”

He was already calling Detective Slater as he spun for the door.

“She was going home,” Rose rushed to say. “Simone told me—after we wrapped up the broadcast—that she was going home for the rest of the night.”

Lynn answered his call on the second ring. He immediately said, “Get patrols over to Simone Davis’s house. The perp just called—

“What? I wasn’t told he’d contacted Rose! I’ve got people monitoring her phone. They should have contacted me immediately.”

“He didn’t use her phone. He called me.” Tricky SOB. “Based on what he said, Rose thinks he is going after Simone.”

“Why does she think that?”

He was bounding down the steps. Rose was bounding right behind him.

“Because he’s dropping freaking clues, and she’s the only one that fits.” The only one that came to mind. He spared a glance over his shoulder. Rose had grabbed her phone, and she had it to her ear as she ran with him.

“I can’t get her to answer!” Rose said, tone frantic. “Simone won’t pick up!”

Shit. “We could be wrong,” he told Lynn. “I want the guy to be lying to us. I don’t want him going after anyone.” But the perp was a piece of work. “We need uniforms at her home.”

“On it.”

He hung up and jumped in the car.

So did Rose.

Swearing, he turned toward her.

“Do not even start with me. You are not leaving me behind. Simone is my friend. We’re helping her.” She pointed straight ahead. “Drive. I’ll give you directions. I know exactly where she lives and a shortcut to get there. Let’s go.”

He floored it. They raced down the road.

“He wasn’t supposed to go after anyone else. He was supposed to stay focused on me. If something happens to Simone…” Guilt thickened her words.

“It’s not. It’s okay. We’re going to get to her.”

She rattled off directions. “We’re about ten minutes away.”

Ten minutes was too damn far.

“I’m trying her phone again. I won’t stop trying to get her. And the cops have to be closer than we are, right?”

It only took a few moments to die. The cops might not be close enough. And it might already be too late. The perp could have killed Simone before he called War. The whole scene could be a setup. But he didn’t say any of those things to Rose. There was too much desperate hope in her voice. Hope that he couldn’t shatter. “I’m sure they are close,” he replied instead.

From the corner of his eye, he saw her shove her phone to her ear once more.

“Please, answer,” Rose whispered. “Please, please…”

His car raced forward. His grip was too tight around the wheel. Simone had fired Dylan. But Dylan was still in custody. Just like he’d been in custody when Rose got her last call from the killer.

It’s not freaking Dylan.

Who else would want to punish Simone? Who else would think she had to get what she deserved? These attacks—they were personal. War could see that.

“Please,” Rose whispered again. “Come on, Simone, just pick up—Simone!” Relief had her voice breaking. “Simone, are you all right? Are you alone?” Her breath rushed out. “Listen, get to the most secure room in your house. The cops are on their way over. Get there now. Why? Because the freak after me—we think he might be after you, too.” Her finger swiped over the phone and turned on the speaker.

“OhmyGod.” Simone’s terrified voice. “Why? Why me?”

“Get to a secure room,” Rose urged her. “Go!”

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