Nice Guys Don't Win (The Boys #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,81

worthy of my sister. She’s a princess.”

“Yeah,” Isaac pipes in, “Zo-Zo is the best.”

“Boys what’s going on?” My dad comes around the corner from where I know his office is.

“Oooh,” Isaac drawls, eyeing Cole. “You’re in trouble now, Mister.”

Both boys take off running, probably for their playroom.

“Hey, Dad.” I take Cole’s hand and we meet him at the end of the foyer. “I hope it’s okay I brought Cole.”

He arches a brow. “You brought my player.” He pauses. “Your roommate. And?”

“And my boyfriend.” I smile up at Cole. It feels good to say that. I know I need to open up to him about my ex, explain the situation, so he understands that trusting him with my heart is a big deal.

My dad tries to hide his smile. “Can’t say I didn’t expect this after what I saw at the hospital.”

“Nothing was going on then,” I insist, and he throws up a hand.

“You don’t need to defend yourself. I’m not mad at you, Zoey. Or you either.” He looks at Cole. “All I’m saying is, that I’m not stupid. I’m your dad. I saw the way you two looked at each other. You might not have known it then. But I did.” He taps the side of his head. “I want you to be happy, Zo-Bug. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

“Thank you, Dad.” I look down at the floor, trying to hide the tears flooding my eyes.

“Now,” he points a finger at Cole, “you break my daughter’s heart, and you’ll have hell to pay.”

Cole looks at me, and a rush of emotion hits me, stealing my breath with it. In that look I see it all. I see the two of us graduating. I see me walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress. I see him holding our baby to his chest.

I never pictured that future before. I was so fucking blind.


Cole lights my world on fire. He terrifies me in the best way possible.

“You don’t have to worry about that, sir.”

My dad lets out a gruff noise. “Better not.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Allison calls out and the boys come barreling from the back of the house, running into the kitchen.

My dad shakes his head. “Those boys keep me on my toes like you did at that age.”

He reaches out, like he wants to hug me, but drops his arm. It breaks my heart a little because I put so much distance between us.

Cole, always in tune with my thoughts and feelings, grips my hand and gives it a squeeze.

The three of us join the others in the kitchen and Allison smiles. “Oh, I think maybe we’ve met before?” She squints, trying to place the man at my side.

Cole extends his hand to her. “I’m on the basketball team. I’m Cole.”

“Ah, yes, that makes sense. I hope you’re okay with meatloaf.”

“Anything is fine, ma’am.”

“Call me Allison.” She sets the loaf pan on the table and I grab the sides placing them around the table.

Sitting down beside Cole with my dad at the head of the table, Allison beside the baby, and my two brothers I’m struck by how far I’ve come since that first dinner. I no longer feel like a stranger here.

Conversation is easy throughout dinner and when it’s finished, I help Allison clean up before joining Cole in the playroom with my brothers. They’re showing him the zombie virtual reality game and I bust out laughing when the large man screams like a little girl and drops to the floor.

He shoves off the headset, breathing heavy. “You two are evil. That was scary.”

The little boys laugh and move on to their train track set.

Cole lifts his hand out to me. “Help me up?”

I give him my hand and he pulls me down on top of him. Both boys start laughing.

“Zoey fell!” Issy chortles.

“What are you doing?” I narrow my eyes on the man I’m lying on top of.

“Just wanted you close.” He sneaks a kiss to my forehead.

“Ew, they’re kissing,” Isaac shrieks at Gabriel and then they both dissolve into a rendition of Cole and me kissing in a tree.

When they’re done with their song neither of them can stop their uncontrollable giggles.

“You guys are the worst.” I tickle Issy and he shrieks for me to show him mercy.

Cole and I play with the boys for a while before I slip from the room, whispering to him that I’m going to find my dad.

I wander down the hall, dragging my fingers against the wall. I walk slow, stalling.

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