Nice Guys Don't Win (The Boys #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,80

streamers are taped across the entire length.

“Maybe I’ll go into party planning,” Teddy muses, shaking his hips to the Shakira song. “You know, if I don’t get my inheritance and I’m barred from the family business.”

“What is your family business?” I ask. He never says much about it.

“Mostly just being a lazy prick bastard and letting others do the hard work.”

I don’t think he’s talking about the business.

He moves away and Zoey wraps her arms around my neck, the two of us slow dancing like two middle school teenagers to the cover of Time After Time by Quietdrive.

“Are you sure this is okay?” She rubs her thumb back and forth against my neck.

“Best birthday ever.”

She beams and stands on her tiptoes. “Don’t worry, when we get home, I have something else planned for you.”

“And what’s that?” I arch a brow, my hands lowering from her waist to her ass.

“You. Me. A bubble bath. And chocolate syrup.”

“Chocolate syrup, huh?”

“Yes.” She smirks. “You’re going to lick it off me, and the bubble bath is for easy clean up.”

I lower my mouth to hers, kissing her deeply. One of our friends whistles. Teddy yells, “Ew, get a room Mom and Dad!”

“You’re perfect,” I whisper in her ear.

She shakes her head firmly. “No, I’m not. No one is. We all make mistakes and do and say things we wish we wouldn’t have. Perfection is a construct to force us to try to fit in, but I don’t want to fit someone else’s mold. I just want to be me. Imperfect, me.”

I press my forehead to hers. “I like imperfect you.”

“I like you, too.”

Across the room I catch Mascen pulling Rory onto his lap on the couch. She giggles, curling into his body and he whispers something that makes her blush.

I had no idea a year ago that Zoey would come crashing into my life.

And I wouldn’t change a fucking thing.



There’s an away game this weekend, and I’m already dreading Cole being gone for it. I’ve fallen hard and fast for the basketball player.

We pull up outside of my dad’s house in Cole’s truck. I didn’t tell my dad I was bringing him, just that I was bringing someone, but I don’t want to keep my relationship with Cole a secret from him. It’s not good for me as his daughter, nor Cole as his player.

And let’s be real, my dad probably already suspects who it is. He’s been dropping enough hints about thinking Cole and I have more going on than just roommates.

Cole reaches over and squeezes my knee after he parks the truck. “It’s going to be fine. Breathe, Zoey.”

I blow out a breath, forcing a smile. It’s not that I think my dad will be mad about me dating one of his players, but our relationship is still being stitched back together and I don’t want to make it even rockier than it is.

Cole gets out and I’m frozen in the passenger seat. He eases open the truck door, but it still squeals in protest.

“Zoey?” He prompts and I meet his gaze. “You and me. Together. We got this.”

I nod, heart racing.

Why am I so nervous?

I wasn’t this nervous when I told him about Todd.

Because back then you didn’t care what he thought, my conscience reminds me.

Cole takes my hand, entwining our fingers, and we walk up to the door.

He looks down at me with a reassuring smile before he pushes the doorbell.

You’d think as the guy he’d be freaking out more. This is my dad after all. But he seems cool as a cucumber.

“I want to get it!”

“No! Let me get the door!”

The front door swings open revealing my two little brothers.

“Whoa.” Isaac’s head leans back. “You’re so tall.” He looks at Cole with an awestruck expression.

Gabriel smacks him on the arm. “That’s Cole. We know him.”

“We know him?”


“But why is he here?”

Cole and I laugh, amused by the conversation being carried out in front of us.

“Because he’s my boyfriend,” I interrupt my bickering siblings.

In sync they both cross their arms over their small chests. “Boyfriend, huh?” Gabriel narrows his eyes.

I shake my head. Apparently even brothers this young are overprotective.

“Are you going to let us in or not?” I try to stifle my laugh.

“I guess.” Isaac steps aside, opening the door wider. “I’ve got my eye on you.”

Cole cocks his head to the side. “You don’t remember playing basketball with me?”

“Of course, I do,” Gabriel scoffs, rolling his eyes as he pushes the door closed. “But that doesn’t mean you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024