Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,94

stairs and gazed down at her. “I love you.”

It made her heart warm every single time that he said those words.

“I will love you until the day I die,” Sebastian promised.

Her heart squeezed. “Let’s just plan on you not dying for at least a hundred more years, okay?”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Neither am I.” She was exactly where she wanted to be. In his arms. “I love you.”

When his dimples flashed again, Alyssa felt her heart melt.

She’d always known that Sebastian would be dangerous to her.

She’d been right.

He’d stolen her heart, and, from here on out, he’d always hold it in the palm of his hand.

Only fair because Alyssa knew she had his heart, too. She’d keep it safe. She’d treasure it—him—always.

“I think there was promise of a phase two,” she reminded him. “You know, hint, hint.”

His laugher made her whole body feel warm as he turned and carried her to the bedroom.


“Don’t even think about it.” Antony Kyle had a warm, charming smile on his face, but his eyes were ice cold.

Sebastian took a sip of the ridiculously expensive champagne and fired a quick glance at his buddy. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I see the way you’re staring at my sister. You’re about to pull some serious shit here, aren’t you?”

“I wouldn’t call it shit.” He’d call it romantic planning. Sebastian shrugged. “I mean, it is her birthday. I would be an incredibly crappy boyfriend if I didn’t have some sort of big plan in place for her.” He glanced across the room. Alyssa was hugging her mom. Her dad stood by her side, smiling warmly. And a few feet away, one of the caterers was carefully arranging the birthday cake that Sebastian had ordered for Alyssa.

As he watched, the caterer placed the birthday candles on top of the icing.

Almost show time.

“Just so you know, I have one rule,” Antony announced.

Here we go again.

Sebastian pulled his gaze away from the cake and focused on Antony.

“Make her happy.” Antony slapped his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Because if you don’t, then I don’t care if you did save my life, I will fight you.”

A laugh tore from Sebastian.

Winston appeared at Antony’s side. He was sipping his champagne. “What’s so funny?”

Antony turned toward him. “Hey, buddy! Congrats on the promotion.”

Winston smiled.

Sebastian saluted him with his champagne flute. “You deserve every accolade. Asheville—hell, the whole state—is lucky to have you.”

“Aw, now you’re just trying to get on my good side.”

“You only have a good side,” Sebastian told him, being completely honest. “You’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. I’m lucky to call you my friend.” He cleared his throat. Motioned to Antony. “Lucky to have you both.”

Winston slanted a look at Antony. “Is he drunk?”

“He has been hitting the champagne pretty hard. But I think it’s just because he’s nervous.”

“Why’s he nervous?” Winston wanted to know.

“Because I think he’s about to ask my sister to marry him, and his crazy ass is scared she’ll say no. Like that will happen.”

The candles were being lit.

Time to do this. He shoved his champagne flute to the side. Began marching for the main table and for Alyssa.

Everyone was closing in on her. People started to sing.

“Great party, man,” a voice murmured at his side. “Thanks for the invite.”

His gaze darted to the right. Dex?

Dex winked at him. “Like I’d miss this. Always fun to see the mighty fall.”

He couldn’t deal with Dex, not right then.

He had bigger priorities.

Sebastian made it to Alyssa’s side. The candles were lit, glowing softly, and the Happy Birthday song was almost over. Alyssa turned toward him with a warm smile.

I love you, she mouthed.

His hand shoved into his pocket. She looked back at the cake. Leaned over the table. Just as the voices stopped singing, she pressed her plump lips together, closed her eyes…

And he knew she made a wish.

Then she blew out all of the candles as everyone cheered.

He sank to one knee.

The cheers stopped. In fact, everything went dead silent.

Frowning, Alyssa glanced around. When she saw him and the small box he’d just opened and offered to her, Alyssa’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I don’t know what you wished for,” Sebastian told her gruffly, “but you’ve always been my wish. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me?”

Then, dammit, he held his breath because hell, yes, he was nervous. This was Alyssa, and she mattered. More than anything.

Her smile came, slow and sweet, and her dark eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024