Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,71

confusion from the concussion and not a serious plan you have.” He advanced on Sebastian. “You love her.”

He didn’t speak.

“You don’t have to confirm or deny. I know you. I’ve been in on the planning stages for Operation Get Into Alyssa’s Good Graces, remember?”

That operation seemed like a million years ago. “How about we just work on Operation Keep Alyssa Alive?” And the best way to do that?

It was for Sebastian to stay away from her.

Once more, he focused toward the one-way glass. The interrogation room door opened. His eyes immediately flew to the man who was being ushered inside. The blond bastard who’d snuck into the bedroom at the safe house. The bastard who’d gotten to safety because of Dex.

“Let me have a run at him,” Sebastian urged. “Come on. No one else has to know.”

“That is not how this situation works. I’m in charge of this case, and I’m going to interrogate him. I’m already seriously doing you a favor just by letting you watch this part.”

“You’re doing it because Dex pulled rank with your boss and said he wanted an agent keeping eyes on the interrogation in case confidential intel was leaked.” He slanted a glance back at Winston.

“That happened, yes.” A nod from Winston. “But I’m also doing it because I need you to stay sane. So watch the interrogation from here. If you see something I miss, then we’ll deal with it together."

His hands clenched and released. “You don’t miss anything.” Sebastian knew he was just out of control and being an ass.

“Thanks so much for the praise.” Winston offered him a mocking smile. “So remember that, would you? I don’t miss jack which is why I know exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to Alyssa.”

You love her. “You don’t understand what’s at play.”

Winston headed for the door. “Sure, I do. Your heart. Your future. They’re both on the line.” He exited without looking back.

Sebastian’s hands clenched into fists. It’s not about me, buddy. It’s about her. What if by being with me…she always has a target on her back? If something happened to Alyssa…

He would lose his mind.


“I need to know what’s happening.” She had paced Winston’s office a hundred times. Or at least, it sure felt that way to her. “When do I get to see Sebastian?”

The cops—a female with beautiful curls and an intelligent, sharp gaze, and a young male with a tense spine and a close-cropped, military-style haircut—both watched her with no expression.

“We don’t know, ma’am,” the male said. Officer Nico Ricci.

“But he’s okay,” the woman added. Isla Burgos. “He was treated at the scene, and you heard Detective Lewis when he said that Sebastian was en route to the station earlier.”

Yes, she’d heard that. She’d just figured that she would see Sebastian soon. Her hands flattened over the front of her jogging pants. Actually, they were Isla’s clothes. Isla had given them to her, along with a t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes that were a little tight, but no way would Alyssa complain about that tightness. Her toes could be pinched all day. She was far too grateful to complain.

I’m alive. Sebastian’s alive. We’re okay.

A sudden rapping at the door had her head snapping up and a wide smile sliding over her face because it had to be Sebastian—

And it was just her brother.

Her smile deflated.

Antony frowned at her. “What’s wrong?”

Nothing’s wrong. I was just hoping you were Sebastian.

He hurried toward her and pulled her in for a tight hug. “Stupid question,” he said. “You’re probably terrified.”

No, she wasn’t. She was angry. Furious that those men had attacked. And she was anxious to see Sebastian. She just wanted to make sure—with her own eyes—that he was okay. “Have you seen Sebastian?”

He lifted his head and blinked at her. “Uh, no, I came right to you.” He let her go and backed up a few steps.

Sebastian must not have arrived at the station yet. He’d come right to her, too, wouldn’t he?

“Can you find him?” She licked her lower lip. “I’m worried about him.” Her guards had been adamant that she couldn’t leave Winston’s office. She knew the perps had been brought in because Winston had told her he’d be taking a run at them in interrogation. He’d assured her that after his interrogations, then they could figure out their next move.

What is the next move?

Not another safe house. Not another time trying to lure in the bad guys. Although, the lure trick had worked. Only with Copyright 2016 - 2024