Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,70

two of the best, and they’re going to take you to the station. They’re going to put you in my office, and they will stay with you. Got it? They’re not going to let you out of their sight. You’ll be at the police station. No one will hurt you.”

“He was going to shoot Sebastian.” She gave him the gun. “You have to watch his back.”

“I will, I swear it.”

Once more, she looked for Sebastian. He was gone.

Get her away from me.

Her heart ached. He hadn’t said those words. She was sure he hadn’t.

Chapter Seventeen

“They’re guns for hire. Their rap sheets are a mile long.” Winston rubbed his eyes then frowned at Sebastian. “Look, man, should you even be here? Don’t you have a concussion or some shit?”

“I got stitches. I’m fine.”

“You’ve never been fine. You’ve always been ass crazy, and right now, you’re even crazier.”

Tell me something I don’t know. Dawn had arrived. The warehouse—converted apartments, safe house, or whatever the hell Dex wanted to call the place—had been contained.

Two perps were in custody at the police station.

One was in the hospital under guard—the injured bastard who’d been shot.

Dex was okay. So was his team. Well, Baylor had been injured pretty damn badly, and Dex had gone to the hospital with him. But Dex had called Sebastian and told him that Baylor would pull through.

Sebastian figured Dex would be showing up any moment. He’d try to take over the case. Try to take the perps away to some undisclosed location.

Not happening until I get my chance with them.

“Put me in a room with them.” Sebastian nodded. “Give me five minutes, Winston. You just walk away. Go get some coffee or some of those vegan breakfast things you’re always trying to push on me, and by the time you get back, I’ll know who hired them.” Because that was the big question, wasn’t it? Who’d hired the goons?

Winston’s lips thinned. “You know I’m not doing that.”

“Dammit, man! Would it kill you—just once—to break the rules? To bend them for a friend?” He swallowed and tried to choke down his rage. In his mind, he was still seeing that bastard with the gun. Sebastian had lost consciousness for a few precious moments once he’d had that fun face-first collision with the pavement. When he’d come back to his senses, he’d flipped over and seen that bastard pointing his gun. And he’d known—even without looking at the SOB’s target—that the man was aiming at Alyssa. “He was going to kill her. I have to find out who sent him. Who sent all of them.”

A three-man team. Three men who’d come equipped with a bomb because they wanted to get the job done.

“I will find out,” Winston assured him. “Trust me to do my job.”

He did trust Winston. One hundred percent. But he also knew that the wheels of justice spun slowly. Very, very slowly. He didn’t have time to waste. “Their boss is still out there. If he’s out there, then Alyssa is still at risk. I have to stop him.”

They were in one of the observation rooms at the station. He was currently staring through the one-way glass at the empty interrogation room.

He wanted one of those perps in that room. He wanted to push that jerk until he broke and told Sebastian everything—

“Have you seen Alyssa since you arrived at the station?” Winston’s question was oddly quiet.

Sebastian stiffened. “She’s still here, isn’t she? You told me you had two officers on her. And the police station should be the safest spot in town.” Because Dex’s safe house had been shit. As for Dex’s grand plan?


“She’s here. I talked to her not fifteen minutes ago.” Winston scratched his hand over the stubble growing on his jaw. “She immediately asked about you.”

“I’m fine.”

“How come you didn’t immediately ask about her? You got here, and you started demanding that I let you interrogate our perps. You didn’t ask about Alyssa.”

But he’d thought about her. Hell, she was all he’d thought about.

Winston was studying him with assessing eyes. “I’m surprised you didn’t rush right to her side.”

That was what Sebastian wanted to do. More than anything. But… “I put her in danger.” His confession was low. Hoarse. “When she’s close to me, people try to shoot her or she nearly gets blown up.”

“Oh. So that’s what you’re doing.” Winston nodded. “Got you.”

His eyes turned to slits. “You don’t know—”

“That you’re trying to pull some seriously stupid martyr BS right now? I’m just hoping its Copyright 2016 - 2024