Never Give Up - Heidi Lis Page 0,58

I’ll tell you—all of it.” Just take my hand Micah…just hear me out.

Stretching out my hand I invite him to come with me. I need him more than ever. This is not the way I wanted him to find out. But he now knows the truth. I’m desperate for him to reel in his emotions long enough so I can explain. Oh God, I want the chance to tell him my side of this story. How can he be mad at me? He was the one who left; I was the one dealing with a baby. Surely, he will see this…wouldn’t he?

His lips snarl, his nose flares, and he’s not backing down an inch. I can see my hope of reaching him slipping away. He’s far to seething mad to ration with.

Dejected, he is looking at my outstretched hands like they are most vile. “Tell me right God Damned now!” His says with his lips pressed tightly, and his eyes narrowing on me. It’s not a welcome feeling. It’s potent and I’m feeling more insecure by the minute.

The guttural roar of his voice is even more threatening with his angry stance. Standing tall, defiant, and ready to explode, he’s way beyond reasoning with. Matt is all but shouting, trying to get him to calm his ass down. Taking a glance over at my parents, they stare with a smug expression on both of their faces.

“Hey bro,' don’t lose it now. Take a few deep breaths, and go talk with El. You two need to talk this out man.” Matt is toe to toe with his brother, forcing Micah to back down. I know Micah would never hurt his brother, but he’s not thinking clearly. I’m fearful Matt’s going to get punched in the face. Please listen to Matt, I silently pray.

Matt’s the only adult right now, finally a voice of reason.

Unfortunately, Micah’s not hearing him at all when he pushes back. “FUCK THAT, I want to know why the hell I never knew? Why keep it from me, Elsa?”

He’s not stopping, he keeps pushing, but doesn’t stop for a second to hear me out. I knew he’d be upset, but not at me. If he would just take a second to step back and breathe. He doesn’t, he’s yelling at my parents, he’s shouting to the sky… and he’s back to yelling at me.

Frustrated, hurt and getting more disgusted by the minute, I let him have it. What am I going to lose? They are all pushing me past my melting point. Micah’s anger is misplaced, it should be at my parents, not me. “Are you kidding me right now! Seriously?” Holding my hands up, I don’t even know how to deal with him right now. This nitpicking he’s doing with me is beyond ridiculous.

“Yeah,” this time he’s dropped his shouting to a mild yell. “I guess I am.” His body relaxes some as he lowers his shoulders. Matt is standing close to him, and my parents are still on the front steps, quiet, but ever so smug looking. Their faces void of any compassion.

Sagging my shoulders, I close my eyes tight, fighting back the sting of pain this is causing me. “You left Micah; I had no idea where you were. I found out after you left me. After you broke it off with me.”

Opening my eyes, I’m pleading for his understanding. My throat is sore from all the shouting. I’m sure the neighbors by now have come to see what’s happening at the Winter’s household.

My finger shakes violently as I lift it right at Micah’s chest. We are close, but I left some space all the same. The moment I’ve always feared is being played out in front of my eyes. My parents are present, Micah is beyond furious and poor Matt looks confused as hell. If I could just wish myself away.

He takes two steps back. “Come on Elsa, you could have told Matt or my parents.” This time his face and body language looks drained. Crossing his arms he appears to be in more control of his emotions at the moment.

The calmer side of him is much more pleasant than the screaming lunatic from a few minutes ago, but he still has a sour edge to his voice.

The husky voice of my dad startles us all. “Listen kid, you knocked my little girl up and took off. Like hell, would I let her embarrass herself, or us, with that announcement?” My dad’s distaste for Micah is Copyright 2016 - 2024