Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,90

be but this definitely wasn’t just a fling anymore. We had the ink to prove it.

Three months later

Things couldn’t have gone any better. No way, this was an absolute dream come true. Trevor was really gone. I hadn’t heard from him since he left. He hadn’t tried to call, text, or anything since our falling out. That was such a huge burden off my chest. I could breathe and live my life normally, how I wanted to.

Luke was the breath of fresh air I had so desperately needed. From time to time, I’d wanted Trevor to be that. Well I mean when we were together. After everything fell apart I did occasionally have the moments where I wished that would still happen but not anymore. For the first time I was able to think of him and not be angry or hurt for what he did.

Luke was standing in the doorway of our new apartment. Really it was his apartment, but a few weeks ago he asked me to move in with him. That was a huge step to me and a very big deal. Trevor and I had never moved out together even though he did basically move into Halley and my apartment. I was more than eager to take this step with Luke. Everything felt right.

Halley took the news a little harder than I wanted her to when I told her. She had stuck her lip out like she usually does that day and said, “No Mace. Don’t leave me!” She looked as though she would cry but then told me she had an announcement. Marcus had proposed to her and they were getting a smaller apartment for just the two of them. Basically I was getting kicked out anyway. I could have fussed at her for holding out on her announcement since it was a much bigger deal than my news but I hugged her so tight that day. I was ecstatic especially when she asked me to be her maid of honor. Really though, was there anyone else? I think not.

Luke wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair. “Welcome to our new home.”

Smiling I turned around and kissed him. “Don’t you mean my new home, because technically it was already yours?”

He looked hurt for a minute as he watched me grinning. “Well it’s not just mine anymore, it’s yours too. So that makes it ours and you owe me another kiss.”

He gave me that sexy grin I love so much and his green eyes were twinkling. That was probably one of the first things I fell for with him, the rest was history. I got sucked in that first night. We spent all of our time together after that. I kept trying to convince him to give me another tattoo and he kept telling me I needed to wait. Typical stubborn man.

“I owe you nothing. Come and get it if you want it.” Playfully I ran into the apartment and tried to shut the door but his hand stopped it and he scooped me up into his arms not before he shut the door himself. I let out a shrill scream and began laughing as he kissed my neck up and down.

“I love you Macy.”

Trying to catch my breath, I managed to speak. It took a minute though; I didn’t realize I was laughing so hard. “I love you too Luke.”

He began kissing a trail up to my mouth again when my phone went off. It was Halley. She could wait. He began to kiss again but she called again. I stuck my lip out and gave my best pouty face. Chuckling he replied, “Go ahead and answer it, I know she’ll keep calling and eventually just show up if you don’t.”

I kissed his cheek and called her right back He had been around long enough to learn how Halley and I worked. There were no surprises. Everything was always straight up and honest with her and I and I knew he was right. She would be knocking on our door if I didn’t call her back.

“You know I was getting ready to show up at your house.”

“Yes, I know sorry. What’s up?” Halley was a little too predictable for me. I’d lived with her for too long.

“Well, I just wanted to ask you if I could use some of your flowers for my wedding so that they don’t go to waste. If you don’t want me to just say so, it won’t hurt Copyright 2016 - 2024