Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,89

never believed me.” His eyes were full of concern and he held me close. “I turned to liquor first drinking myself into oblivion. It happened until I called my uncle and came to live here. The bar became my other home and the music it helped so much. I found my strength. I still drank but it wasn’t to hide the pain anymore.” He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity. “Luke, if you’re trying to find the words to say it’s ok. It’s the past.”

He kissed my forehead and held me. This was the first time I’d ever talked about it and not shed a tear or began hyperventilating. “We’re both pretty strong, you know that? Both got thrown some intense shit in our lives and we overcame it all.”

“Yep, we sure did. I have an idea.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“We should both get a tattoo. Something to symbolize how strong we are.” He looked at me smiling and I continued, “I’ll even trust you to do it. I say we both get the Chinese symbol for strength.”

He kissed my forehead and replied, “I’ll do them tomorrow, sounds like a plan.”

Our mouths met in a passionate kiss. He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist. Carrying me into the room, he kissed my neck and made his way back to my lips. He laid me on the bed and made love to me like nothing else mattered in the world.

The next morning he woke me up with a cup of coffee. I smiled as I sat up in his comfortable bed and took a sip.

“Still want that tattoo today?” His eyes sparkled as he asked. He sat beside me and leaned in for a kiss.

“Yes I do, don’t you back out on me.”

I finished the cup of coffee and went to brush my teeth and hair. I could hear him in his room setting everything up. I was a little nervous; this would be my first tattoo. I walked up to the door and stood there in nothing but his shirt watching him. He looked up and smiled at me. I walked over to him and straddled his lap kissing his neck.

“Hey if you start that we won’t be getting any tattoos.” He kissed me back and I climbed off his lap and found a chair. He sat in front of a table tracing the outline. Mine would go inside my wrist, he agreed that was a good spot. His would go there too. I gave him my arm trusting him fully. With gloves on, he cleaned the area and placed the outline on. He filled the gun with ink. The sound of the gun made me jump and he began laughing. “You don’t have to do this Macy, if you want to change your mind you can.”

“I want this Luke, I’m ready.”

He began the tattoo. It didn’t hurt at all like I thought it would. With this being my first I was prepared to cry but like the tattoo, I was strong. Because the symbol was so small, it didn’t even take long at all. When he finished he put some healing ointment on it and wrapped it then proceeded to do his. When he was done, I gave him a long hard kiss.

“Thank you for doing this for me it means a lot. Can I pay you or something?”

“Don’t be silly. You being here with me is payment enough. You know I almost didn’t go into Gills that night, but I’m so glad I did.”

All I could do was blush and smile. Luke knew exactly what to say. Just to think a few days ago I thought my life was completely over and there was nothing left for me. I had thought losing Trevor was the worst thing ever but I had become so strong, no even stronger than I have ever been.

I climbed back in his lap and just lay my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and I felt so at peace with everything. How I prayed this moment wouldn’t end. I don’t care if we’d only known each other two days. No one could tell me what was acceptable and what was not. I was a grown adult for crying out loud. Luke was just supposed to be a fling to get my mind off Trevor, but suddenly in that moment on his lap, I knew he would be more than a fling. I don’t know what it would Copyright 2016 - 2024