Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,69

and quickly removed Taylor’s lips from his. What the hell was going on here? I felt like I needed to blink my eyes a few times to really get my brain to register this. “What the hell is going on?”

Taylor opened her mouth and smiled, “I told you this would happen but you didn’t believe me. Shame on you.” She actually had the nerve to tell me this and she was waving her finger in my damn face. And the worst part of it all was he said nothing and she continued to wear her stupid grin.

He wouldn’t look at me. What a coward. He was caught he could at least look at me. “Trevor I’m talking to you.” I had so much strength all of a sudden inside me; I don’t know where it came from. I should be crying right now but I was too pissed to even think about it.

Taylor still stood there grinning. I wanted to slap her damn grin off her face. This bitch had so much nerve and I absolutely hated her for it. “Mace, it wasn’t what it looked like.”

“Oh really? Because Trevor, it looked like your tongue was down this whore’s fucking throat. Is this why I haven’t heard from you in days? We’re supposed to be getting married in two weeks. What the hell are you thinking?”

“You’ve been locked up in your room the past two weeks Macy, what am I supposed to do? Sit there and watch you cry?” He spit the response out then stood there silently regretting what he had said.

“I LOST OUR BABY YOU ASSHOLE.” I wanted to keep my composure but I’d begun yelling at him. Like a lunatic. “You could have been there for me! Instead you threw it all away on this bitch.” I couldn’t help what I did next. I slapped him so hard across the face, people began staring at us. My hand hurt from that one.

“What the fuck Macy?” He was pissed. Livid was more like it. He opened his mouth to say something but Taylor decided she needed to speak for him again. Which, I don’t know if that was good or not. His face was blood red.

“What the hell is wrong with you? He’s obviously moved on so you need to.” Oh hell no this bitch wasn’t telling me what I needed to do. She didn’t know me or anything he and I had been through in the last few months.

I pulled a Halley and grabbed her hair and slammed her face on the table that was a mere few inches away. When I raised her head her back up, her nose was spewing blood. Serves her right, she deserved it.

We now had quite the crowd around us and Trevor looked more pissed than ever. I’d never seen him this mad. Halley came running up and stopped when she saw Taylor’s face. “Ohmigod, Mace! You did this?” Halley stood there trying not to laugh while Taylor held her nose and ran off towards the bathroom.

Trevor stepped in before I could answer and told her, “Get her out of here Halley. Now.”

I glared in his direction and looked dead into his eyes. “Fuck you Trevor. I hate you.” I threw the ring and the charm bracelet in his face and I felt Gary’s hand on my shoulder.

“Macy, you need to leave, or I’m going to have to have you removed.”

“I was just leaving Uncle Gary. I’m sorry for this.” Trevor didn’t try to run after me. He just stood there watching me leave. I hated him so much right now for everything he just did to us.

Halley followed me outside and stopped me before I got in the car. “Macy, I had no idea I swear. Marcus didn’t even know.” She stopped talking when she saw the tears running down my face. How could I have been so stupid to think he would still want to be with me once I had lost the baby? He didn’t even propose until we found out I was pregnant. What a joke.

“He ruined everything Halley. With that stupid bitch. The one person I hate more than anything in the world. And he had a piss poor excuse for it! I was hurting and he was out whoring around. How stupid can I be?” No one was outside but the two of us and I began yelling like a raging lunatic but I had every damn right to.

“Stop it Macy. You aren’t stupid. He Copyright 2016 - 2024