Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,5

frenzy. How I was able to close that night and have everything perfect to where Gary didn’t know, I had no idea but that was one hell of a night. One for the books for sure. We hadn’t had another night like that, I think we were too nervous but we definitely had many more memories in the making.

Chapter 2

Halley went to get dressed for her day out with Marcus. Finally, some peace and quiet. I needed to find my purse. I have no idea where I put it when I stumbled in last night. My room looked like a tornado went straight through it. I made a mental note to clean later. I had more important things on my mind, like where the hell my phone was. The only clue I had as to where my purse lay was the fact that the text tone started going off. I dug and dug flinging clothes in every direction for what seemed an eternity then I finally found it. The room was now an even bigger mess. I grabbed the phone to find that surprisingly the battery wasn't dead yet. Not sure how that happened. Usually my phone was dead by morning if I didn't place it on the charger as soon as I got home. The screen read: "1 New Message". My phone rarely went off because the only two people who ever texted me were Halley and Uncle Gary. Halley just talked to me. She had no reason to text me and I highly doubted it were Gary. Typically he called anyway. He always told me he was still trying to catch onto all the new texting lingo. Most of his texts I could read but some just kept me puzzled. He was better off leaving the texting alone.

The number staring at me on my phone was one I didn’t recognize though. A slight panic feeling hit me. Who the hell did I give my number to last night? I really needed to stop drinking. I’ve done so good so far with not handing my number out to random people and all of a sudden I seem to be just screwing up.

I opened the message and my eyes bugged out of my head. Literally I felt like I needed to bend over and pick them up off the floor and place them back where they came from. My jaw dropped in disbelief. Ohmigod I was never drinking again. I gave someone, probably a creep, my number. It could be some lowlife loser and now I’d have to get them to leave me alone. Hopefully this person could take a hint and just go away without me having to go to extreme measures. I mean this is how stalkers were made right? The creeps that didn’t go away, ugh I didn’t need or want that. I sat on the bed and stared at the phone trying to debate on whether or not to open it. Part of me wanted to pretend I didn't see it that just seemed so much simpler. Or just throw the phone away. If it was going to get me in trouble, then I didn’t need one. I mean Halley and I lived together and I always saw Gary at The Lounge so this option was sounding better every minute. That made perfect sense to me.

I picked my jaw up and continued staring. I tapped the message afraid to look at the contents it held. I drew in a deep breath and stared at the screen a little longer. The message read

"Good morning gorgeous."

My eyes were dry from not blinking and my jaw was practically on the ground again. I blinked profusely to moisten them back, closed my mouth then I stared again at the message. I needed to know who the hell this was.

Quickly I typed, "I’m sorry you must have the wrong number."

There, plain and simple. Hopefully I had just shut this whole situation down. Before I could throw the phone back down, a new message popped up.

"This is Macy right?"

Ok, I was officially creeped out. My palms were beginning to start sweating. The thought to throw the phone away and pretend none of this ever happened crossed my mind again. The thought to even lie crossed my mind. It’s not like whoever this was would know I was lying. I could easily say they were given the wrong number. But of course I couldn’t lie.

"Um, yes. Who are you?"

"Silly girl, it’s Trevor."

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