Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,4

my eyes. "I know. But really I haven’t been drinking that much. This is the most I’ve drank in a long time. I was just having fun, you know enjoying myself? You should try it sometime. So what if I can’t remember any of the music. Gary didn't drink last night, he brought me home mother dear. Seriously, you know anytime I drink someone brings me home. I’m not stupid." I rolled my eyes as she looked at me still as serious as ever.

"I know your uncle owns the bar but you need to be responsible. I’m not trying to preach to you but I just care. And I know that’s what you think, but at least he brought you home. Don't worry me like that." Halley meant well. Her lips were pursed together and she kept a stern look on her face with her hand still on her hip. No grin or joke would get me out of this one. I let out a groan. "And I do know how to have fun. I don’t need to be so wasted I can’t remember anything though to do it. I mean really Macy why do you drink so much? I know you’ve had a rough past but is it because of that or because you don’t want to admit you like Trevor. Hell even I’ve seen how he looks at you."

"Hales, he looks at everyone that way. Any woman that passes him gets that look. He’s just eye candy to everyone. Look I don’t want to discuss the past. I do know you mean well and I know you care. Thank you, at least someone does but I just woke up. Can we have a conversation about something else? Anything else? Please?" I shot her the biggest puppy dog eyes and prayed she would accept my semi-apology. She always did no matter how mad she seemed to be at me.

"I’m sorry. You know how I get sometimes. Ok I’ll change the subject. You working tonight or just hanging out?" The best part about my uncle owning the bar was that I didn’t always have to work; sometimes I got to just hang out. No waiting on drunk people or having to clean up behind them. Just me getting to drink and enjoy myself. Me getting to be the drunk person. Someone to clean up after me for a change. Lucky for me, tonight was that night and I could not wait.

"As far as I know I’m just hanging I guess. Gary hasn’t asked me to work and I hope he doesn’t." I fixed a glass of water and then another and downed it to quench my thirst.

Halley grinned at me and replied, “Good, a night out with my best friend is just what I need. We got a date?”

I rolled my eyes at her as dramatically as I could, smiled and said, “Sure.”

We hardly got to do much together anymore besides just hanging out in the apartment. When we were both in the apartment we either cooked or ordered food and rented movies. I never for the life of me understood why we rented the movies because we did nothing but gossip all throughout them. When she was working with the animals, I was either sleeping, lounging around, or going shopping and when I was working at the bar, she was sleeping. Marcus would be there tonight at The Lounge with us, obviously because the band was playing. He made my best friend happy and that made me happy too. When the band wasn’t performing he was constantly around Halley. He never left her side and sometimes it was sweet but most of the time I found it nauseating. Seriously, find a room, one that I’m not in. Once the band started playing, it would be easy to steal Halley away and have a little fun. That was usually our, no my favorite part of the night. Then who knows what kind of shenanigans we could get into. I smiled glancing back at a memory of her and I at The Lounge right after I moved here. Gary had left for the night leaving me to clean up and close. We had downed so much liquor when he left it was unreal. We probably could have filled a pool with everything we drank. The DJ made the mistake of playing ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ and we ended up dancing on the bar and had the whole place in a Copyright 2016 - 2024