Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,43

pulled up at the apartment and picked the very sleepy Halley up and carried her to her room. Trevor went to grab my tiger but I grabbed it first and we went into my room. I laid the tiger on the floor. Trevor sat on the bed and I sat beside him on the bed. I stared into his beautiful eyes and reached up to kiss his lips.

“Thank you for today. You have no idea what any of this meant to me.” I lay down and he lay beside me.

Facing each other he replied, “I told you I’ll do anything to make you happy.” I stared into his eyes until I fell asleep.


I was in a field lying on a thin blue blanket with Trevor. There were dandelions all around. We had a picnic and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with cups of sweet tea. I was staring into his eyes; the fire was burning inside me. Trevor pulled me in for a fiery kiss. His tongue explored mine and my breathing became ragged. I lifted his shirt off and rubbed my hands over his abs and wrapped them around his back. He rolled on top of me hovering over my body. He gently pulled my shorts down and ran his hand in between my thighs. I moaned wanting him to touch me. Suddenly there was a faint knock. Annoyed, I looked up but didn’t see anyone. The knock came again this time louder.


My eyes popped open. Trevor was sleeping beside me. I had been dreaming. Halley would pay for this; it was the most amazing dream ever. Well I was hoping it would end amazing. The clock said it was a few minutes after 5. Shit. I jumped out of bed trying not to wake Trevor but wait; he needed to wake up too.

“Trevor, you got to get up baby we got to get ready.” I threw the pink decorative pillow that got thrown on the floor at his head. He mumbled something and rolled over. His eyes peered open and he groaned. “I know you don’t want to get up but you got to.” I kissed his cheek then ran to my closet.

I had to be behind the bar tonight but that wasn’t going to stop me from not drinking. That was like asking the sun not to shine. There was no way the sun would not shine. I felt a bit sassy and decided to pull out my blue jean mini skirt. It’d been years since I put it on and it still fit. Yay me! I found the green sequin tank top I bought a few weeks ago in a pile of clothes on the floor. I meant to wear it then but I decided on something plain.

“Halley,” I screamed out the door. “Have you seen my black wedges?” I threw about every shoe I owned out of my closet. Trevor was standing in the corner amused. He’s lucky I didn’t aim one at his head.

She poked her head in the door. “Ohmigod I love that shirt, can I borrow it sometime?”

Impatiently I tapped my foot. “Focus, have you seen the shoes?”

“No I haven’t sorry.” She turned on her heel and left. Dammit. Guess I’d be wearing the black flip flops again.

Trevor was fixing his hair in the bathroom. He used my hair gel to spike his semi long hair how he wanted it. I picked at him for using girly hair products. Girly or not he looked amazing. He flashed me a smile and I sauntered over to him.

“You’re going to make me kick some guys ass tonight aren’t you.” He pulled me close and held me.

“What’s wrong you don’t like it?”

“Are you kidding, I love it. You look amazing. I just don’t want anyone else looking at what’s mine.”

“Possessive are we?”

He smiled and replied, “You have no idea.” He smacked my behind and I screamed.

“You almost ready?” I stood beside him in the mirror and touched up my makeup and my hair.

“Let’s go baby.” He held my hand as we walked into the living room. We told Halley and Marcus we’d see them at the bar and we headed out the door.


As soon as we pulled in, I went straight into Gary’s office. “Hey Uncle Gary what’s going on?”

He looked up from his paperwork and smiled. “Hey kiddo, thanks for working tonight. I really appreciate it. Good help is hard to find nowadays.”

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