Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,42

got an idea.” Trevor announced. We all glanced at him curious as to what he had to say. Last time he had an idea we ended up here and were all on the verge of getting soaked. Our faces weren’t hard to read, especially mine. I wasn’t too keen on getting soaking wet because we didn’t watch the weather. “Just hear me out. The gift shop is right there. If we run, it will take us maybe five seconds tops to get there and we can look around and try to wait some of this rain out.”

Marcus agreed, but it was getting Halley to agree. You could tell she wasn’t excited about getting wet from the rain, but like the rest of us she was ready to be indoors. Marcus glanced around to see we were all ready. It was now or never. “Ok, on the count of three we haul ass to the gift shop. Everyone ready?” We nodded in unison. “One, two, THREE!”

We ran like our lives depended on it. No one melted; we all survived the five second dash. Marcus held the door open for us and he and Halley went to look at different souvenirs. I turned to find Trevor had disappeared. My eye caught a little girl on the side of me was begging her parents for a stuffed elephant and I smiled at the girl. She smiled back as her father held it for her and brought it to the register. She smiled at me one more time and took off running to meet them. I walked around looking and stumbled upon a display of rock candy. I grabbed one and held it. Marcus was trying on animal hats. Halley, doubled over laughing was trying to take pictures.

I began to walk towards them when Trevor came up behind me and put his hands over my eyes. Startled, my first instinct was to jump. “Hey it’s only me. I have a surprise for you.” He sounded excited. My heart began racing. I had no idea what to expect from him. “When I take my hands away, turn around to face me ok?”

I nodded my head in understanding and I couldn’t help but smile as he slowly let his hands down. Slowly I turned to meet him and he held a gigantic stuffed tiger with a red bow around its neck. There were no words coming out of my mouth. Ecstatic, I threw my hands up to cover my mouth. I couldn’t believe this. I just stared at the tiger then up at Trevor and a tear managed to trickle down my cheek. “Tell me that’s a happy tear Mace.” He grinned and I jumped into his arms. This was the most amazing thoughtful gift I’d ever been given.

“Of course it’s a happy tear. I love it so much! Thank you! Where’s it going to ride on the way home though? It’s huge!” I began laughing.

“It’ll fit on our laps. I’m glad you like it. I wanted you to be able to take your very own tiger home. I wanted you to have another good memory with me.” He drew me in for a kiss. For a moment I forgot we were in the gift shop. His hand cupped my behind and I thought I had heard someone say something.

“Seriously Mace, you guys need to get a room. Want me to watch the bathroom door for you?” Great timing Halley. I expected nothing less from her though.

Trevor looked all ready to go into the bathroom but he wasn’t getting me that way. My pants were not coming off in a bathroom other than to pee. “Shut up Hales.” Marcus and Trevor began laughing and joking. I grabbed my tiger and held it tight.

Bored with walking around in the gift shop, the rain had slacked off a lot. We all decided mutually to leave. We had fun even though we didn’t get to stay longer. Trevor and I both had to be at The Lounge tonight anyway. Halley fell asleep on Marcus’s arm while he was driving. Trevor and I had the tiger on our laps. My hand lay between his legs. I wanted to touch him but was afraid he would get hard and then well we couldn’t exactly do anything in the car with the other two in here. So my hand just stayed on his inner thigh. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the rain soaked town as we passed through.

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