Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,52

“Did you enjoy it?”

Nodding, Braxton sat up as much as he could, trying to adjust the pillows, then holding still when Ryan took over. He got comfortable. “Sometimes I hum the songs to myself when I’m working out. And my dance instructor was thrilled when I asked if I could learn some of the moves.”

“You dance?” Ryan glanced over at him as he set up the iPad on its little stand holder. “I should’ve expected that after seeing you up on that stage, but not that kind of dancing.”

“Mhm.” Braxton smiled, resting his head against Ryan’s shoulder. “When the team started working with the ice girls on figure skating, I wanted a bit of a leg up. So I added dancing to my training.” He paused, a wave of shyness hitting him, but forced himself to ask the question on the tip of his tongue. “Would to come watch sometime?”

Arm around him, Ryan didn’t hesitate before he nodded. “I’d love to. I also want to start coming to some games. It’ll save my TV from getting things thrown at it when I want to go after a guy for a dirty hit.”

The mental image of Ryan getting all worked up while watching him play warmed Braxton’s heart. The passion fans had for the game was always special, but this was different. Closer to home.

For the rest of the day, time both seemed to drag on and go too fast. The drag was because Braxton couldn’t wait for the doctor to come say it was okay for Ryan to take his mask off. As much as having Ryan here made Braxton so damn happy, seeing the mask was a reminder of the potential danger. He wanted to beg Ryan to stay as much as he felt like he should tell him to go.

And the last was why every minute seemed to be eating away at their time together. There was no way this could last.

He was greedy, expecting more when he’d already been given so much.


“What’s that look?” Mask off from the second the doctor came in and told him it was okay, Ryan frowned at him. He approached the bed, cupping Braxton’s cheek in his hand. “You didn’t hold back with the doctor, did you? Your recovery won’t go faster because you’re trying to tough it out.”

Braxton shook his head. “No, sir. I still feel like death warmed over and everything’s sore. Not as bad as yesterday, though. And a lot of the symptoms they were worried about never happened. That old earache I kept getting isn’t something I’m going to ignore anymore.”

“Good.” Ryan searched his gaze, concern in his eyes. “Then what is it?”

Sighing, Braxton stopped trying to look away. “I love having you with me all the time and it’s selfish and I’m a jerk for even thinking about it. I’m just wishing we could have more of this. When I’m not sick. And before you say anything, I don’t want this whole thing having scared you be what has you considering—”

Calloused fingers pressed to Braxton’s lips as Ryan let out a soft laugh. “I already was. Before you got sick, so no, that’s not what has me considering anything. I do want you close so I can take care of you. The idea of you being alone in your apartment? I can’t handle that. I won’t force you to come home with me if you’re not ready for that, but I will insist you get someone to stay with you—or at least check on you regularly. I’d like to discuss you moving in with me at some point. When you’re feeling better and—”

“Yes.” Braxton grinned, taking some satisfaction in being the one to cut off Ryan this time, secretly hoping his Dom was racking up infractions he’d have to pay for later. “I want to go home with you while I recover. I want to talk about living together. I’ll keep my apartment for a few months—it’s more fair to my roommate anyway. But I want to do this. I can’t think of anything I want more.”

Exhaling slowly, Ryan leaned in to press a kiss to his forehead. “There will be a lot more talking, but this is enough for now. I’ll be honest, I feel a lot better knowing you’ll be with me. I’m going to use up all the time off I have—don’t argue with me, it’s not your decision and I need to do this.”

“I wouldn’t dare argue with you, sir.” Braxton accepted Copyright 2016 - 2024