Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,51

to be open with everyone at the station, and with my family, but that’s my choice. You’re under no obligation to say anything to anyone unless, or until you’re ready.”

Eyes already drifting shut, his whole body weighed down, Braxton shook his head. “I want them to know. The guys will come before they leave for the next game. You’ll be here. I won’t lie to them…” He inhaled slowly. “But the nurse said you have to go…”

Tone low, soothing, Ryan held his hand, stroking his palm with his thumb. “Not until you’re asleep, and I might even be back before you wake up again. We’ll talk about this more tomorrow. For now, do you want to hear about the meal my mother’s planning for the next family barbeque? It’s always a huge feast. Once she knows about you, she’s going to insist I bring you. I can’t wait for you to meet both my parents. And my father makes the absolute best ribs on the grill. Almost as good as my mom’s. Expect them to ask you what you think, it’s their own little competition and she’s still the reigning champion…”

As Braxton drifted off, he could practically smell the food as Ryan described it in detail. Hear the laughter of his family members. See the sun set over the ocean while the salty air brushed against his skin. All the fear that had been clinging to him lost its hold, leaving only Ryan’s, even when Braxton sensed he was gone.

Like he’d predicted, Ryan was there again when Braxton opened his eyes. Wearing a mask again, but that was okay if it kept him safe. The doctor came and went, explaining the test results and Braxton’s ongoing treatment, most of which was hard to follow, but Ryan seemed locked on the man’s every word. He asked questions Braxton hadn’t even thought of, about long term recovery and things to watch out for.

While Braxton was napping, Ryan must’ve slipped out, because the next time he opened his eyes his phone and iPad were on the tray next to him. And Ryan had a thick, navy blue robe he wrapped around Braxton’s shoulders when he got up to use the bathroom and stretch his legs.

Standing for any length of time made him feel like he’d been doing nonstop shifts on the ice, but Ryan was right there, supporting him, only giving him a hard look once when Braxton said he didn’t have to.

“You agreed to submit to me, did you not?” That deep, low voice, one that reached somewhere inside Braxton beyond the last of his weak resistance, accompanied Ryan picking him right up to lay him back on the bed and tuck him in. “That includes more than sex and spankings, my boy. I’m not a doctor, I can’t make you all better. This is what I can do for you, and you will let me do it.”

Braxton grinned, resting on the pillows as Ryan tucked him back in. “Yes, sir. But I bet, if you could, you’d tell this thing to get the fuck out of me and order me to get better.”

“The language on you.” Ryan’s eyes were smiling again, the mask blowing out with his laugh. “If I had that power, you’re damn right I would. I will, however, tend to your every need because it’s my right. Now scooch over, there’s a movie I want to watch with you. Have you seen Bird Box?”

Wrinkling his nose, Braxton shook his head. “I heard it was really bad.”

“It’s not Grammy worthy, but it’s entertaining. And you haven’t seen it, so it’ll pass the time. You like so many different types of movies, but suspense seems to keep your attention more than anything.” Ryan spoke as though him having noticed that was the most normal thing in the world, helping Braxton slide over so he could squeeze in next to him. “You can choose the next movie. Something unexpected you want me to give a chance.”

“How about The General’s Daughter?” Braxton ducked his head when Ryan blinked. “’s one of my mom’s favorites. I used to reject older movies…” He snorted at the look Ryan gave him at the ‘older’. “After I graduated high school and my parents were gone more, I wanted to share everything that interested them whenever they were around. I ended up finding some new favorites. Finally gave in and watched West Side Story with my dad, which made him really happy.”

Expression softening, Ryan squeezed his hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024