Branded by Fire(93)

Mercy agreed. "Their ethics?"

"They've agreed that if I'm successful, they'll allow medical use at cost or less if possible. Everyone else will pay a premium." Nash met Mercy's eyes. "The owner's daughter has a condition that might be helped by my work. Believe me, he won't withhold it from other kids. He's one of the good guys."

That convinced Mercy as nothing else could've done. Heart, love, it had a way of fighting off darkness. "I have to admit I'm curious as anything about what you're doing, but I understand commercial sensitivity. We can work with what we've got."

Nash thrust a hand through his hair. "When I started, I didn't realize all the implications. I was thinking of purely medical use, but, well . . . everyone wants to be stronger."

Mercy went motionless at the oblique hint. "No wonder the Alliance wants you." She despised their tactics, but could see what drove them. Humans were the weakest of the three races - Psy were weaker physically, but had psychic abilities to compensate. If humans could at least level the playing field so they had changeling strength . . . yeah, she could see the temptation.

"It's a very long-term project," Nash told her. "I think the Alliance thinks we have functioning prototypes. We're nowhere near close."

"But you're on the right track," Riley said. "Enough to make you a serious target."

Another shy grin. "Good thing I have leopards and wolves on my side, then."

In a van parked on a street packed with tourists out to sample the area's world-famous crabs, several screens came to life. "We have eyes on Nikita Duncan," said the operator.

His partner watched the Councilor enter the office building and - frustratingly - take the stairs to the mezzanine floor, where she apparently had a meeting, judging from the focus with which she walked toward the first door on the left. "Damn."

"Don't worry. She'll move."

"It wasn't supposed to be like this - we were meant to act when we knew what her exact movements would be."

"We're still on schedule."

"But we lost hours trying to keep ahead of the wolves and cats. Our reconnaissance wasn't anywhere near as good as it should've been." A pause. "Maybe we shouldn't have killed the information broker."

"It's done now."


"Anyway, the chairman seems to have some kind of a top source of his own - he's been giving us good tips."

"Hmm." A pause. "What a waste."


The man shrugged and brought up a screenshot of Nikita Duncan's form. "Look at that face, those cheekbones, those legs." The Councilor had an exotic mix of Irish, Japanese, and Russian blood and had inherited the best from all sides. Tall and lithe, she had the almond eyes of a goddess, and the kind of silky hair men liked to see on their pillow. "Too bad she's a heartless bitch."

"She'll be a dead bitch soon enough."

Mercy was meant to be doing a shift on the continuing security patrols in the city, but after she and Riley went their separate ways, she asked Clay to cover for her so she could drive to Tammy's. She'd deliberately picked the one sentinel who wouldn't ask questions, but to her surprise, he gave her a narrow-eyed glance and stroked the back of one hand over her cheek. "You okay?"

Surprised by the affection from a leopard who'd been all but stone a few months ago, she felt every one of her emotions threaten to come to the surface. Damming the storm back with effort, she touched his hand in thanks. "I will be."

He let her go without further comment, but she knew he'd be keeping an eye on her. It made her cat settle - today, she needed the comfort of Pack, of knowing she was part of a cohesive and vital unit. How could she possibly exist without the blood bond that tied her to DarkRiver so fundamentally?

When she arrived at Tammy's, the healer took one look at her and dragged her into the kitchen. "What's the matter?"

"The Bakers?"

"Gone exploring in the woods. They've got an escort. My babies are at playgroup. Now talk."

She just blurted it out. "If I mate with Riley, will we be able to have kids?" It was another part of the dream, something she'd always imagined. If she couldn't . . . it would hurt, no doubt about it.

"Of course you will," Tammy said at once. "I've been researching that ever since you two showed an interest in each other. Inter-changeling unions between predatory species aren't that common, so the info is scattered and incomplete."

Relieved, Mercy rocked back on her heels. "It's because the animal prefers its own kind."