Blaze of Memory(45)

Dorian's earlier words suddenly made sense. "Sascha's pregnant, isn't she?"

A small nod. "Keep it to yourself. We don't want the Council turning eyes in her direction."

"You're saying I'm going to have to travel to you if I want Sascha's help."

"I feel for the kid," Lucas said, "but Sascha comes first. As it is, I'll probably have to hog-tie her to make sure she doesn't get on an airjet and head to you."

"But you'll tell her?" Dev asked.

"When you get hitched, try lying to your mate and see where it gets you. I'll call back after I talk to Sascha."

Knowing he'd done all he could on that front, Dev stepped out to talk to Maggie. "Tell me which fires I need to put out and which ones can wait."

His secretary, an elegant forty-eight-year-old with naturally silver hair that she'd turned into a fashion statement, raised an eyebrow. "Well, where do I begin? Jack and the others want another meeting."

Dev only just stopped himself from gritting his teeth. "When?" Avoidance would get none of them anywhere - and this way, at least he could keep an eye on the problem.

"They're in the city."

"Slot them in this afternoon." Head aching, he nodded at her to go on. "Next?"

"Glen says he'll ensure Patient X will have high-calorie foods delivered to her." There was no curiosity in her tone. Maggie likely knew every single detail about Patient X - there was a reason he'd hired her over the shiny new graduates who'd applied for the position.

"Next." He was still so angry he could barely bring himself to think of the woman who'd slipped under his defenses . . . then knifed him in the heart.

Chapter 23

Even as Dev hung up on Lucas and turned his mind to other matters, something inexplicable was taking place in the DarkRiver alpha's territory.

Judd Lauren, Psy rebel, former assassin, and fucking dangerous son of a bitch according to all who knew him, looked mystified at the little girl who was staring up at him, all huge eyes in a heart-shaped face. "Yes?" Crouching down to the forest floor, he tried to appear nonthreatening. "Did you want something?"

She shook her head, glossy black curls bouncing on her shoulders.

Judd had become better with kids since leaving the PsyNet, but right that second, he felt utterly clueless. Normally when he came down to train with Dorian, it was only Keenan he encountered. And Dorian's son was more interested in copying their moves than chatting. "Noor," he tried again. "Are you looking for Keenan?" He knew the two were fast friends.

Another shake of her head.

He glanced behind her, hoping Dorian would come out and rescue him. No such luck. "Do you want to play?" It was generally what Ben, one of the SnowDancer pups, wanted when he trailed after Judd.

But Noor shook her head again.

Desperation took hold. "Ah . . ." He had nothing.

Then she smiled, pure trust in the sparkle of her eyes. "I have a present for you." She lifted a little fist.

"Oh?" Startled, he held up his hand, palm up. "Why?"

"Because we're the same."

Judd closed his hand over the river-smoothed stone she put in his hand, knowing he was nothing like this bright innocent. His ability had made him an assassin, then a healer, but it would still be so easy for him to kill - only his love for Brenna, for his family and friends, his pack, kept him from crossing that brutal line. "Yeah? How do you figure that?" 

A beatific smile. "I just know." Then she leaned forward to wrap her arms around his neck.

Hugging her back with all the gentleness he had in him, he rose to his feet, taking her with him. And as he walked back to Dorian's, he wondered what similarities a little girl whose name meant "Light," saw between them.

Once, he would've brushed it off, distanced himself. Now, he kissed her cheek and accepted the gift of her trust.

Chapter 24