Blaze of Memory(44)

The M-Psy answered almost at once. "Is Katya alright?" were her first words.

"Did you know how powerful a telepath she is?"

Ashaya's eyes went wide. "Yes, but she'd never use it to do harm."

"The woman you knew might not have," Dev snapped. "You have no fucking idea what she might do now."

Dorian's face replaced Ashaya's. "That's enough." It was a snarl. "You fucked up in not asking the question. Don't put it on my mate."

Dev's anger whiplashed back on him. He knew Dorian was right, had known before he called. Taking a deep breath, he said, "I apologize."

Dorian waved it off. "Did she hurt anyone?"

"Not this time." Pure, blind luck that Tag had been on-site. "I need to talk to Sascha."

"She can't do much about a telepath."

"We've got a kid with shielding problems." And according to the info DarkRiver had allowed Talin to share, Sascha was one of the best shield builders in or out of the Net.

"Call Lucas," Dorian said. "Not worth my life to give you Sascha's cell number."


"Just call Luc. Here's the code." A pause. "And the next time you yell at my mate, I'll rip your throat out. We clear?" Leopard eyes looking out of a human face.

Dev stared into those eyes, knowing a show of dominance when he saw it. "Crystal - but don't consider me easy prey." When talking with predatory changelings, appearing weak could be fatal.

Dorian's eyes gleamed. "Long as you don't pull that shit again, we won't have to find out which one of us is more deadly."

Temper now on a leash, Dev input Lucas's number on the main comm panel. The DarkRiver alpha's face appeared on the screen an instant later. "Santos," Lucas said, cat green eyes curious. "This about Noor and Jon?"

"No." Dev shook his head at the mention of the two Forgotten children Talin had adopted. "I need a favor."

"You do realize we keep track?"

"Yeah." DarkRiver hadn't become one of the strongest packs in the country by being soft touches. "We'll owe you."


"I need Sascha's help."

Lucas's gaze went quiet, intent. But all he said was "Explain."

Dev gave him a bare-bones outline. "I'm hoping Sascha can teach him to build some shields of his own. I don't know if it's possible, but if she's as good as Talin says - "

"She's the best," Lucas interrupted, pride in every word. "But you're telling me this kid is damaged - if the damage is in the brain itself, Sascha won't be able to do anything."

"All our scans show that his brain is functioning at a hundred percent. He took the hit on the psychic plane."

"Psychic injuries can be as brutal as physical ones."

"But," Dev said, "there's a slightly better chance of recovery."

Lucas nodded. "I'll ask Sascha."


"Don't thank me yet." Lucas's eyes stayed human, but Dev knew it was the panther who was speaking. "Even if she says yes, and knowing my mate's heart, she will, she's not stepping one foot out of DarkRiver territory."