My Year of Saying No - Maxine Morrey Page 0,37

myself colour. ‘Mum!’

From the corner of my eye, I could see that the breakdown driver had now hooked up my car to the towing rig on the back of his truck and was finishing securing it. Seb was stood by him, hands stuffed in the pockets of his coat, beanie pulled down low, chatting amiably as the task was performed.

‘What?’ she asked, innocence and laughter mixing in her voice. ‘I’m just asking.’

‘Hmm. Don’t you start. I get enough from Jess about Seb,’ I said, keeping my voice low. ‘Anyway, it’s far more dull than that. My flippin’ car broke down again.’

‘Oh, darling!’ she said, all teasing gone now. ‘Are you all right? Where are you? Do you need us to come and pick you up?’

I smiled and felt the wave of love travel across the miles and wash over me. I might have wasted far too many of possibly my best years on a relationship that had ended like a damp firework, but I knew I’d got more than my share of luck when it came to parents. ‘No, Mum. I’m fine. Thanks. It’s all in hand. The breakdown bloke is here now and he had about as much luck as the garages have in finding the fault, but Seb knows a chap who’s apparently a genius with these things, so we’re getting it towed to Seb’s and hoping his friend will be able to take a look tomorrow and see if he has better luck.’

‘So you’re staying at Seb’s?’ The question was so loaded, I could practically hear the cartridge being locked into the shotgun.

‘Yes. And no, before you ask.’

‘Ask what?’

I couldn’t help smiling. ‘Whatever it was that you were going to ask or say. It doesn’t mean anything. I’ll be in the guest room. No funny business, don’t worry.’

‘Oh, darling. I’m not worried. In fact, I’m more than open to you having some funny business with this chap from the sounds of him.’


She laughed and I couldn’t help but smile. Although I still did my best not to show it, especially as the car now seemed to be ready. The driver had climbed up in to the lorry’s cab and Seb was heading back towards me, head down against the icy breeze.

‘Oh, darling. I’m just teasing.’

‘I know. Thanks for looking after Humphrey. I really appreciate it.’

‘It’s our pleasure, honestly. You know we love having him.’

‘Hopefully we’re going to try and have a look at some new cars tomorrow while this chap’s looking at mine and obviously it’ll depend on how he gets on as to what time I get back, but I’ll keep you posted.’

‘No rush, Lots. Don’t worry. Take all the time you need.’

‘Thanks, Mum. Love you. Speak to you tomorrow.’

‘Love you too, darling. And don’t forget to have fun!’ She gave a giggle that belied her years. ‘Bye!’

‘Bye, Mum.’

I hung up just as Seb got to me. ‘Everything OK?’

‘Yes, they’re fine with it. All sorted?’ I said, inclining my head towards the truck, which was now rumbling to a start.

‘Yep. And I’ve messaged Angus. He’ll be round at half eight tomorrow to fix it.’

I smiled. ‘Don’t you mean take a look?’

Seb opened the door of the car for me. ‘Nope. I mean fix it.’

‘Nothing like a bit of confidence.’

‘When it’s due.’ He grinned and my libido gave another hefty heave. I did my best to squish it down, but now, in the cosy, dim interior of Seb’s car, it wasn’t exactly the easiest task. I decided distraction tactics might be the best option and began asking him about his friend.

‘So, this chap. Angus?’

‘Yep?’ he asked, concentration on his face as the threatened snow instead became rain, pelting into the windscreen as we left the town and joined the motorway.

‘How did he acquire these magical mechanical talents?’

‘As far as I know, he was one of those kids who was always taking things apart to see how they worked, so I guess it goes back pretty far.’

‘Bet his parents loved that!’

Seb glanced across, the flashes of street light highlighting for an instant a sad look in those dark eyes. ‘Unfortunately, I don’t think they took a lot of interest in what he did. From what I know, he had a tough time of it. Both his parents were alcoholics. Their main interest was in where the next drink was coming from rather than fostering any talent their son might be showing.’

‘Oh. Sorry.’

‘What for?’

I shook my head. ‘I don’t know. For making an offhand comment.’

Seb touched my knee in Copyright 2016 - 2024