My Big Fat Low-Fat Wedding - By Katya Starkey Page 0,19

into me lately. It feels strange how the worry of our wedding seems to have changed so much about the outlook of my life.

Oh well, if I’m going to take a day off then I might as well do it right. For me this means making myself do the opposite of what I normally do. On a regular day I’m running amok like a busy bee. Today, however, I’m hangover girl who doesn’t have any qualms about staying in bed. Regardless of the fact that I know I’ll have a whole days’ worth of tasks to do tomorrow. For now though, sleep is the only subconscious errand I’m going to metaphorically run.

As soon as I close my eyes I drift back into sleep.


When I next wake the light in the room looks dim. “What the…?” Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I look at the time. “Nine o’clock? Callum?” I shout. “You let me sleep all day?”

My fiancé comes running into the room. “What’s the matter?” He looks worried as he sits down next to me on the bed.

“It’s nine o’clock at night.”

“I know right!” He pecks me on the cheek with his lips. “You slept like someone in a coma.”

My mouth drops open in astonishment. “Cal, I could have actually been in a coma for all you know!”

Rising to his feet my fiancé heads towards the closet, getting undressed along the way. “Well, if you were in a coma you certainly needed the rest.”

“Not that much rest!” Quickly, I jump out of bed. My head is clear enough for me to realise I should never have been so lazy. “I’ve been lying there like a blob for over twenty four hours.” I indicate the bed with a pointed finger. “Do you want me to turn into one of those obese people who can’t get out of bed?”

Callum frowns at me. “I don’t know, babe. Shall I start force feeding you meals in bed and we’ll find out?”

“Oh you!” I throw a pillow at him. He catches it and laughs. Pushing my way past him I dig out my oversized workout clothes from the wardrobe.

“You’re getting dressed now? But it’s nearly bed time, my darling.” My affianced pushes up against me. “Actually, come to think of it, I think you need another twenty four hours in bed with me.”

I can’t help giggling because Callum is saying all of this into my neck as he nuzzles me. But no! I must retain some resolve lest I explode with chub. Pushing him away, I stab my legs into hurriedly into my yoga pants. “I need to work out every day, Cal. The wedding is just weeks away!”

He shakes his head. “Are you sure you should go to the gym after lying in bed all day?”

I snort a laugh. “That’s exactly why I need to go to the gym!”

And that’s that. I’m a woman obsessed. The old me is back after just one day of slacking off. What was I thinking taking the day off work just because I had a hangover? Okay, so it was the worst hangover I can ever remember having experienced in my entire life, but that’s still no excuse!

As I enter the car parked in the driveway I’m determined to sweat off all the lazy fat that’s surely built up under my skin from lying around for such a long time. While I’m driving up the road I’m tempted to phone up Brenda. I’m so angry at myself for being such a slacker that I’m tempted to take one of her classes at the Meli Spa.

But no. There’s no way I’d be able to walk through the doors of the spa where I was almost electrocuted to death. So I’m heading to the Splash gym instead.

When I arrive I head straight into Kirsten’s late night Zumba class. I hear familiar pumping music and I spot Stevie in the corner of the mirror-walled room.

“Emily!” Kirsten screeches over the loud music coming from the robot. “Ssshhh!” She starts punching buttons on Stevie’s bot face. The music its kicking out suddenly cuts off.

“How can you use that thing after it nearly killed me, Kirsten?”

The girl runs toward me. “Stevie is fixed now, Emily! I swear!”

Shaking my head I start to back out of the exercise room. “It doesn’t matter… I… I was going to take a bike shred class tonight instead anyway.” I wasn’t really, but I don’t want to hurt Kirsten’s feelings by telling her that I just don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024