Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,45

the rim before sticking my finger into the gash. “That’s caused by a very sharp knife. Someone has a beef and that narrows it down to just about a hundred people given the cowboys’ reaction to you at the auction. I told you that raising a ruckus wasn’t in your best interest.” When I turned and lifted my head, I expected to see fear or trepidation, but in true Danni style, she was pissed.

“Damn it. Motherfuckers.” She threw her gaze in the direction of the clinic, immediately storming inside her house, returning in a few seconds with the clinic’s keys in her hand. “If they caused any harm, I will hunt them down and kill them.” She took long strides, cursing under her breath the entire time.

I didn’t like this shit, my hackles even more raised than before. While the assholes could have done much worse, the vandalism only meant as a warning, I knew damn good and well they wouldn’t stop there.

Especially if she continued to meddle in their business, whether legal or illegal.

“You need to call the police,” I told her.

“No. I don’t want to. Not yet.”

Sighing, I gave Zorro a look. The dog was standing at full attention, sweeping his head from side to side. “At least you get it, buddy. Both of you are in danger.”

“They’re just trying to scare me.”

“Yeah? Well, it should be working.”

“I just want to let it go this time,” she insisted.

I debated her request, sucking in my breath before answering, “Then you’re not going to inflame them any longer. Period. You get that?”

Her mouth twisted as she folded her arms. “You don’t rule my world.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. You are going to learn to obey me.” I could see her continued consternation as well as a slight look of relief. This shit was getting out of hand.

I headed toward the clinic, hopeful that damage hadn’t been done, Zorro following closely behind. By the time I made it inside, she’d already moved into the other room. I took a quick look around, finding the windows intact and the furniture in the same place. At least the perpetrators hadn’t gotten inside. I found her crouching on the floor, studying the injured dog, her body rigid.

I’d felt the awkward tension between us before, but the chill in the air was much more intense. What else had I done or said while sleeping, other than terrifying her that she was sleeping next to the enemy? Shit. I didn’t even know what to say to her or how to apologize. The thought of almost hurting her cut through me in the same way the knife has slashed her tires. I looked away, trying to figure out the best words.

“You need to give him a name, even if it’s just for the records,” she said quietly, obviously prepared to ignore the situation.

“Not my dog.”

“He could be. I could tell he trusted you.”

“Not going to happen.” My thoughts drifted once against to Snake and the stray that he’d poured his heart into. While I hadn’t noticed before, the realization that the dogs looked remarkably alike was difficult to wrap my head around. A lump remained in my throat even as I heard her disgusted exhales.

She rose to her feet, turning to face me. “Do you know what will happen to him if he is forced into the pound? Either the original owner is going to claim him, the asshole, or he’ll be allowed to live for approximately forty-eight hours. That’s all the time they get to be adopted, which from what I know in this state is a damn pipe dream. Do you really want that to happen to that poor baby?”

I almost recoiled from her fierceness but knew she was simply angry at the assholes responsible for invading her space. A single whimper from the injured pup drew my attention toward the cage. I walked closer, peering down. I had no idea if I could care for the dog in the way the pup deserved, not with my hours spent on the ranch. Hell, I wasn’t certain I wouldn’t scar the baby for life. Still, the way his paw twitched in his sleep was one of the fond memories I had from spending with Snake and Apollo, my buddy going on and on about curling up with him at night. “Is he going to be all right?”

“He’s basically made it through the night, so I think his chances are very good.”

“I’ll think about it, but don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024