Mustang A Rough Romance - Piper Stone Page 0,44

anything, I would…

I couldn’t even finish my thought.

Mustang jerked up, reaching for his jeans. “Listen to me. You stay right here. Do you understand me?”

I was already halfway out of the bed when he jerked me down, hovering over me, his lips dangerously close. “This is my house and it’s probably just cougars or something,” I managed, although I didn’t believe that for a second. I pressed my hand against his chest, still seeing the pain in his eyes from before.

“Uh-huh, well, that’s what I’m going to find out and you’re going to remain warm and safe inside. Obey me.” He continued dressing, yanking his boots into his hands before moving toward the window.

“Or what?”

He shook his head slightly. “Listen to me, Danni. I’m not fucking with you. I’ll be right back. I kinda don’t want anything to happen to you. I couldn’t handle that right now. You got it?”

Nodding, I gave in, remaining where I was, even as a series of horrible thoughts rushed into the back of my mind.

As he fought to throw on his boots, dragging his shirt from the floor seconds before he walked out of the bedroom, an ugly premonition slithered into my brain.

Something terrible was going to happen. Maybe not now, but it would in the future.

And it would destroy one or both of us.

Chapter 8


Damn it!

I’d left my freaking weapon in the truck. I shifted into the kitchen, peering out the window before grabbing one of the butcher knives as Zorro continued to growl. I loathed the apprehension that threatened to become suffocating, although it had only some to do with whatever intruder might be outside.

I vaguely remembered almost striking Danni. How the fuck could I do something like that? While I couldn’t remember much of the dream this time, I realized that the ugliness of what had occurred had manifested itself in a way I hadn’t experienced before. I shouldn’t have stayed. I definitely shouldn’t have fallen asleep. Fury wrapped itself around me as I moved toward the front room, peering out through the partially open blinds. My vision was twenty-twenty and there was no doubt I was able to see the last flash of taillights leaving her driveway, flying away from the property.

Zorro growled several times, jumping up and pressing his front paws on the door.

“It’s okay, buddy. Just let me find out what we’re dealing with.” I opened the door slowly, quickly peering outside and scanning the dark surroundings, unable to detect anything unusual. Hell, I didn’t even have a freaking flashlight with me. I felt along the wall until I was able to find a light switch, flipping it on. When I walked outside, there was a distinct residue of gasoline. Diesel to be exact. Some asshole had been here all right.

Very quietly I shifted toward my truck, peering inside before opening the driver’s door. Whoever had been at the property wasn’t in the mood to steal anything. I’d left my keys on the floor, the door unlocked. My weapon remained in the glove compartment right where I’d left it. I also grabbed my flashlight, checking the ammo before closing the door, taking another glance at the outskirts of her property. As the wide beam highlighted a good portion of the driveway, I walked several feet, sweeping the light from one side to the other. The main road leading to her clinic was two lanes, although the access points led toward the city from both sides. There weren’t any distinguishable signs of any kind. Whoever had been here certainly hadn’t wanted to be detected.

I could hear Zorro’s continued low growl as I shifted toward the side of the porch, peering out toward the woods. Other than the rustle of night creatures, there didn’t appear to be anyone remaining. When I turned back, ready to head toward the clinic, an odd gleam from the moonlight caught my eye. I leaned over, hissing when I noticed what appeared to be two flat tires on her truck. I took long strides in that direction, bending down just as I heard the front door open.

Zorro came bounding out, Danni only a few feet behind him.

“I thought I told you to stay inside,” I barked, snapping my head in her direction.

“And you know I don’t follow rules very well.” She shifted closer, obviously noticing the tires. “What the hell? I know I haven’t replaced the tires in a while but two at one time? Kids maybe?”

“Don’t be naïve, Danni.” I flashed the light over Copyright 2016 - 2024