Murderville Page 0,93

Samad said trying to mind-fuck Baron . . . and it was working. Under different circumstances, Baron wouldn’t be as susceptible to manipulation. But with Baron’s mind in disarray and sorrow clouding his judgment, Samad’s story began to seem like it made sense.

“Fuck you!” Baron said as he dropped his head and hoped that what Samad was saying wasn’t true.

“Fuck me? No fuck that rat who betrayed you. Look where he is. He is lying up with a woman while you are on trial for your life. You can’t blame me . . . I didn’t break the rules, your boy did!” Samad yelled as he pointed his finger at Baron. “If he cared so much, why didn’t he break you out? I did this for you! I got a deal for you. You help me set him up, and I will send you on a helicopter anywhere you want to go. It’s all up to you,” Samad said as he placed the deal of a lifetime on Baron’s plate. There was no doubt in Baron’s mind that Samad’s offer was more of a demand than a question. Baron knew that if he denied Samad that he would be shot down right then and there. He then began to feel the grief and hatred towards A’shai for putting Willow in harm’s way. Baron dropped his head and thought about his decision.


A’SHAI RUSHED OUT OF THE COURTROOM AND held the phone to his ear tightly as Baron spoke to him on the other end. Liberty hurriedly trailed behind him as she exited the courtroom. She wore oversized shades and a conservative black dress as she eavesdropped trying to figure out what was wrong. She knew it was an important call because of A’shai’s instant change in behavior before he rushed to leave.

“I need you to come and get me quick. I’m at the old trap spot off Woodward Ave. I just escaped, and I need your help,” Baron said.

“Don’t move. I’m on my way,” A’shai answered as he flipped the phone down. He was waiting at the courthouse for Baron’s trial to start and got a call from him while in the pews. Baron had informed him about the breakout and failed to mention that Samad was behind the escape. A’shai quickly flipped down the phone and whispered back to Liberty, “We have to go now. I don’t have time to drop you off so you are going to have to go with me,” he said as they headed out. Liberty tried to keep up with him as they made their way to their car. She didn’t want to ask any questions, so she followed A’shai, trusting that he would take care of her.

A’shai sped down the freeway trying to get to his father on Woodward Avenue. He pushed his car 100 miles per hour down the highway trying to cut his travel time in half. Word was already on the street that the infamous Baron Montgomery had escaped from custody. Baron had the streets on fire, and every cop in the city was now looking for the drug pin escapee.

The radio blasted through A’shai’s speakers and the news alert came over the airwaves. A’shai and Liberty listened as the reporter called Baron armed and dangerous and a threat. The authorities encouraged civilians to not approach him and call authorities if seen. The entire city was up in arms and they were painting the picture of a villain on Baron’s name.

“Fuck that,” A’shai mumbled as he pushed the button on his radio, turning the newscast off. He was focused on getting his father out of the city and eventually out of the country. He sped off the exit towards the trap spot where Baron was hiding out.

A’shai pulled up to the house and threw the car in park.

“Come on,” he said to Liberty as he hopped out. He wanted to keep her by his side while he figured out the plan. A’shai went to the back door and saw that it was kicked in, obviously by Baron. He walked in and saw his father sitting on the couch. “Pops, are you okay?” A’shai asked as he motioned towards him. A’shai never saw it coming. Goons were waiting for him and before he knew it, he heard Liberty scream. Before he could even react he felt a blow to the head, and then everything went black.

Baron sat in a beach house in Costa Maya, Mexico. He had taken Willow to the expensive Copyright 2016 - 2024