Murderville Page 0,92

their trailing car and sped off. The whole fiasco was started and finished within thirty seconds. They were skilled professionals that flawlessly executed the plan. Baron was now a high-stakes fugitive and he had no idea what had just happened. Guns were on him and he tried to piece together what was happening. Did Shai send someone to bust me out? he thought.

Baron had been taken by surprise, and he asked the masked man what was going on, but he got no answer. The truck sped into an empty parking lot and Baron was swiftly forced out after which they jumped into another tinted vehicle. Everyone, even the driver, hopped into the new car. One of the masked men then grabbed a can of gasoline from the back of the Hummer and began to pour it all on the car they had just exited.

“Hurry up!” one of the men yelled as he left the door open for the man to jump in when he finished. The masked man threw the can on the ground and jumped into the truck with the others. The truck pulled off and the man reached out of the window and fired the assault rifle at the old getaway car. The sound of a loud explosion erupted and the Hummer went up in flames. They sped off, jumping on the freeway and escaping smoothly.

Baron remained silent as he was taken a few miles down the road and the truck pulled into a empty parking ramp. A limo awaited them. Baron had already figured out who was behind the current fiasco. Samad, he thought to himself as he grinded his teeth and sat in between the two gunmen.

The truck pulled about thirty feet from the limo, and the masked man opened the door.

“Get out,” the masked man said to Baron. Baron slid out of the car and saw that someone was stepping out the back of the limo. He saw the fancy shoe step onto the concrete and just as he thought . . . it was Samad.

“I never meant to harm your wife,” Samad said first as he slowly began to walk towards Baron. His goons got out of the cars and began to circle Baron, all with guns out.

“Why did you do this?” Baron asked, not wanting to talk about his wife. He only wanted to figure out Samad’s angle. Why did he bust him out? What was his motive? Baron wanted to know.

“I want to know where the girl is. Enough bloodshed has been spilled. I just want to get the girl back. Give A’shai up,” Samad said as he opened his arms and shook his head as if the problem was simple and without conflict.

“Fuck outta here,” Baron said after he sucked his teeth, blowing Samad’s request off. Although he was at odds with A’shai, he would not break the code.

“I can’t understand how you are so loyal to a hoodlum that had plans to kill you. He was plotting against you since day one,” he lied. Samad was trying to turn Baron against A’shai and get the information that he needed to find Liberty. Samad’s jealous streak was a mile long and he was determined to find Liberty and kill her for crossing him. His ego, on top of his bitterness, made him a heat seeking missile hell-bent on revenge.

“That’s a lie!” Baron yelled as he scowled and spit flew out of his mouth.

“No! That is the truth. He told me where you lived, and how to get you set up. How do you think I got the address? Huh? He wanted you out of the picture so he could take over. He was impatient. He didn’t want to wait for you to retire. Now I’m giving you a chance to double-cross him because he stole something from me. I want revenge,” Samad lied, leaving out the fact that Nico was his inside source. Baron took in Samad’s words, and they were like daggers to his heart as he tried not to believe what Samad was saying.

“You’re full of shit. You killed my wife and if you let me live . . . ,” Baron began to shoot his threats as he stared at the man that stood before him.

“Am I? Think about it. How did I get your address? How did I know about your secret cabin up north? He planned on taking you out of the picture. That was before he laid eyes on Liberty. That’s when the plans changed,” Copyright 2016 - 2024