Murderville Page 0,49

been through enough for now.”

Not used to being rejected, Liberty frowned in confusion. “You don’t want me?” she asked.

“Of course I want you, but I want you to want me back. This is no longer a job, Liberty. Become my woman,” he whispered. He led her upstairs to the master bedroom where he unzipped the back of her dress. “Rest for the night. I will see you at breakfast in the morning.”

Liberty watched as Samad left the room, leaving her head spinning in confusion. If he didn’t want sex, she didn’t know what to give him. It was all she had to offer. She hadn’t given her companionship to anyone since she was a little girl. She didn’t even know how to love a man anymore. In her eyes they all wanted something . . . including Samad . . . she just hadn’t figured him out yet.

Liberty awoke to the sound of people talking around her and as she slowly opened her eyes she noticed two women standing at the foot of the bed. The doctor’s masks they wore over their faces let her know that they were medically trained but she felt violated as one of them said, “Put her feet in the stirrups,” without even acknowledging Liberty.

“Stop! What are you doing?” Liberty shouted, kicking her legs in protest as two women tried to force her legs into the stirrups. “What are you doing?!”

One of the women came to the side of the bed and spoke calmly. “Relax, Liberty. My name is Dr. Kapoor, and I am here to give you a medical examination. The woman at the foot of the bed is one of my nurses. We are not here to harm you in any way. In fact, it won’t even hurt. You will feel a slight discomfort, but it isn’t painful. We are just giving you a pap smear,” the woman said.

“A pap what?” Liberty asked as she panted angrily and sat up fully.

“It’s a medical test that will tell us if you have any sexually transmitted diseases or any issues with cervical cancer. It’s just a precaution to make sure that you are healthy. We will also perform a routine physical when we are done,” the doctor explained. “Lay back and try to relax. I promise it will not hurt.”

Liberty reluctantly lay on her back as her legs were hoisted into the stirrups at the end of the bed. She cringed as they performed the procedure feeling more violated than she had in a long time, but as promised there was no pain. Samad entered the room while her legs were spread wide open and she turned her head in shame. She didn’t even know him and he was standing at the foot of the bed, peering at her insides as if he was entitled to.

“How does everything look?” he asked the doctor.

“Looks good. Very healthy considering,” the doctor replied discreetly. “I’ll have to test her cultures to verify, but this one is in good shape.”

The instruments and fingers were removed from Liberty’s womanhood, and she quickly snapped her legs shut as she watched Samad walk to the head of the bed.

He stroked her hair gently but she jerked her neck to the side, clearly upset.

“You’re displeased with me?” he asked.

“You could have let me wake up first before you had them pry my legs open,” she snapped.

“I could have, but I did not,” he answered simply.

“I don’t have AIDS or no bullshit like that,” she said, slightly insulted. “If you even thought so why would you pay so much for me?”

“I did not get where I am today by making assumptions, Liberty. The only thing I know to be fact is what I witness with my own eyes and ears. You are addicted to heroin, am I right?” he asked. Liberty lowered her eyes and didn’t respond. “And you have slept with a lot of men for money?” Samad continued, asking probing questions that pointed out just how seedy Liberty’s life before him had been. Still she didn’t answer, but her silence was all Samad needed to know that he was speaking the truth.

“I am just taking the proper precautions, Liberty. Please understand,” he stated. Seeing that she was upset, Samad grabbed her hand. “Come on. I have a surprise for you. A new wardrobe and some expensive jewelry always make a woman feel better.”

Liberty got out of the bed and followed Samad to the walk-in closet. He went over to the wall where Copyright 2016 - 2024