Murderville Page 0,48

. . in fact his looks were quite unattractive. His lean figure was too slender for her tastes and his large nose took up too much space on his small face. He turned her off, and as he approached Liberty she tried to erase the look of contempt that crossed her face.

“Welcome to my home . . . your home,” Samad stated. “You’re a very beautiful girl, Liberty.”

Liberty lowered her eyes to the floor to avoid staring at his face. “Thank you.

“Umm . . . my things. All of my clothes, my jewelry, and my car are back at the mansion. When can you take me to go get them?” she asked.

Samad put a finger beneath her chin so that she would look him in the eyes. He turned her face to the left and then the right as if he were inspecting her. “You won’t need those things here,” Samad replied. “You will have an entire wardrobe fitted personally for you and you will have a personal driver to take you wherever you would like to go. Someone as special as you deserves to be catered to.”

Liberty smiled slightly, blushing as she warmed up to him a bit. His ugly appearance was rivaled by the charm of a Casanova.

“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable here, Liberty. I would like for you to be my mate. Get to know me and I think you will like the situation that you have been brought into,” Samad stated. “You hungry? Would you like some food?” Samad held out his hand and waited for Liberty to grasp it.

Liberty sighed, figuring that she may as well become accustomed to Samad. She grabbed his hand and smiled as he led her into the chef’s kitchen.

“I’m going to make you a native dish that my mother used to make me,” he said.

“Where are you from?” Liberty asked curiously.

“The Middle East. I was born in Egypt but I was raised in Iran,” he responded.

“Do you have any family?” Liberty asked.

He looked her in the eyes and reached out to touch her cheek. “You are my new family,” he said seriously. “And you will give me my first son I hope.”

Caught off guard, she didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t expected him to request a child from her. It wasn’t even something that she had ever thought of. The world was too corrupt to bring another soul into it, but she knew that her opinion did not matter. She cleared her throat and nodded her head in compliance while giving him an unsure smile.

“That’s my girl,” he answered.

Despite the fact that he had personal chefs on call, he fixed her a homemade Persian meal from scratch that she actually enjoyed. The fact that he was trying to impress her made her relax slightly, and she found herself having a genuine conversation with him. As they sat side-by-side at the dinner table, he wiped food from the side of her mouth.

“I’m sorry. I’m not very good at this formal dinner thing,” Liberty said as she blushed in embarrassment.

“Don’t apologize. I know the places that you have been, and the conditions under which you were forced to live. Those days are over. You are mine now. You no longer have to use your back to provide a lifestyle. All you have to do is be my woman, and I will take care of everything else,” Samad said.

She was surprised at how nicely he was treating her. His hand rubbed her shoulder gently, massaging her stress away. He looked at her clothing . . . the expensive couture dress that she had worn to the ball. “We have to get you some clothing . . . something more suitable for your new life here with me,” he said. Unable to contain himself he leaned in to kiss her. Liberty’s back stiffened at first, but the feeling of his hand stroking the nape of her neck so gently caused her to relax. She reminded herself that he had paid too much for her to turn him down. She opened her mouth and invited his tongue inside as she kissed him back, throwing her inhibitions to the wind. She reached for him as her fingers skillfully began to unbutton his Ralph Lauren dress shirt, but he stopped her as he took her hand inside his. He kissed the back of her wrist.

He helped her up from the table. “For the next few days I want you to rest. Your body has Copyright 2016 - 2024