Murderville Page 0,45

they were staying in and like clockwork, the phone rang exactly twenty minutes before 10 P.M. Baron picked up his phone and pushed the talk button.

“Hello,” he said as he waited for the voice on the other end. A man told him the address to the ball and hung up. And just like that, they were headed to the secret location.

The prestigious hotel was closed down for the night. The sign out front read:


However, the hotel was actually about to host L.A.’s most exclusive event. Limos lined up in the back of the hotel as men entered through the rear entrance. It was a black tie affair so every man wore a black tuxedo with black tie. As Baron’s and A’shai’s limo pulled to the back curb, both men admired the beautiful women who stood outside acting as personal hostesses, one for each car that pulled up. A tall blonde beauty opened the door for them and stepped to the side so they could walk on the red carpet that led to the back entrance.

“Welcome to The Gentlemen’s Ball,” the exquisite woman said.

“Thank you,” Baron said as he stepped out of the car and reached into his pocket. He slid a crispy $100 into the woman’s hand, and she accepted it gladly. She placed the bill inside of her cleavage and smiled. A’shai stepped out and fixed his cufflinks, and they headed into the building. As they walked inside, masquerade masks were handed to them, and they were ordered to put them on to conceal their identities. As soon as they put the masks on, they were greeted by another hostess who handed them each a hand-rolled Cuban cigar along with a flute of the finest champagne. She then pulled a lighter from her cleavage and lit the cigars for them both. Baron took a puff and smiled.

“This is good right here,” he complimented as he tasted the expensive cigar. He was a consummate connoisseur of cigars and could smell good Cuban smoke from a mile away. A’shai also hit his cigar and they proceeded through the room. The immaculate showroom was nothing short of amazing. An immense stage sat in the middle of the floor that had a runway attached to it. The theme of the ball was black and white. The porcelain floors on the stage were checkered black and white as well as the abundance of balloons around the stage, which made it a sight to see.

“Follow me, gentlemen,” their hostess said to them as she led them to their seats right below the stage in the first row. The sounds of Ol’ Blue Eyes, also known as Frank Sinatra, serenaded the ball.

“What you know about Ol’ Blue Eyes,” Baron asked, being a fan of a wide range of music. A’shai chuckled and nodded his head to the sounds of “My Way.” Baron took a glance around the room and although the men had masks on, he was able to recognize a lot of his business partners and associates and even some celebrities. Baron looked across the room and began to give A’shai some game.

“See that cat right there,” Baron said as he discreetly nodded his head in the direction of the man he saw. A’shai nodded his head as he followed Baron’s eyes.

“That’s the mayor of New York City,” Baron said and then looked to the other side of the room. “And over there . . . that’s one of the biggest hip-hop moguls in the world.” A’shai looked over and couldn’t believe his eyes. The flamboyant, brown skinned rapper was dapperly dressed in an expensive suit and sat discreetly amongst his entourage.

“Damn, you ain’t bullshitting. That’s crazy,” A’shai said as he looked over noting the hip-hop mogul’s attendance. He was still noticeable even though he wore a mask.

“You’re in the big leagues now, son. All millionaires travel in the same circles. It doesn’t matter how you get it as long as you got it,” Baron said as he smiled and nodded his head at his son. Just as A’shai was about to respond, a voice on the loudspeaker sounded.

“Fifteen minutes to show time,” a female voice announced over the intercom. A man was seated about three chairs down from them, also masked.

“Hello my friend,” he said discreetly to Baron. He was accompanied by a beautiful black woman on his arm. He raised his mask to reveal himself. It was Samad.

“Hello,” Baron said to his new coke connect. Samad also nodded at A’shai, who Copyright 2016 - 2024