Murderville Page 0,44

stated as he gave A’shai a firm handshake.

“Let me get a picture with my baby,” Willow said as she pulled him close and fixed his silk neck tie.

Baron chuckled as he shook his head. “Come on, Will, you’re embarrassing him,” he said.

A’shai was not really one for picture taking, but he would do anything to please Willow. He pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and posed for the shot.

“Get one of me and my favorite girl,” he said, making Willow feel like the love of his life.

“I think me and a few of the fellas are going to go out to celebrate,” A’shai said as he removed the cap from his head.

“What? Oh no! I made you a big dinner. I thought you could celebrate at home with us,” Willow said.

Seeing the disappointment on his mother’s face A’shai kissed her cheek and said, “Dinner sounds like the perfect way to celebrate, ma.”

They took a few snapshots and then headed home. A’shai walked into the house and was shocked when he heard . . .


He smiled as he recognized all of his closest associates and classmates. Even the hood had come out to show him love.

“Congrats, son!” Baron shouted as he patted A’shai on the back.

He turned to Willow and Baron. “Dinner huh?” he said with a chuckle.

“I had to get you back here somehow,” Willow said. “I’ve been planning this for weeks. I want you to have a ball and live it up. You deserve it!”

Willow walked away to play hostess to her son’s friends while A’shai stood next to Baron, completely taken aback by how many people had shown up. He knew that he had love in the streets but this was like a real live block party.

“Enjoy yourself tonight, Shai. This is your gift from your mother. I have a different surprise for you tomorrow. I love you, young man,” Baron stated.

“I love you too, Pop.”

An old Teena Marie slow jam came on and A’shai immediately recognized Willow’s favorite song. He went and found her and then pulled her onto the dance floor.

“Boy, what are you doing? There are plenty of fresh tail little girls here for you to dance with,” Willow said as she threw her head back as they two-stepped.

“Nope I don’t see nothing but the most beautiful lady in the room,” A’shai replied. They danced the night away and although normally A’shai wasn’t the dancing type he indulged his mother, showing her the time of her life. He truly shared his big night with only her, turning down girl after girl who tried to steal his attention away. “Thanks for this, ma. Thank you for everything,” A’shai stated, knowing that he would be nowhere if it had not been for her generous and kind heart all those years ago. She had pulled him from the trenches and changed his entire life.

“You don’t ever have to thank me. You are my son, and you mean the world to me.”

Baron smiled as he looked over at his son, A’shai, who sat across from him. A’shai had just graduated the day before in Michigan and already they were across the coast in L.A.

They sat in the back of the luxury stretch limo, sipping champagne while waiting on the “special call.” They both wore black tuxedos accented with silk bowties and diamond cufflinks. Presidential would be an understated way to describe the way the two men looked on that night. It was a special night and both of them could feel the electricity in the air. It was the night of The Gentleman’s Ball, the single most exclusive ball of the year. Only politicians, millionaires, and bosses attended the private affair. The location of the event was kept secret for up to twenty minutes prior to the start time. Each man or entourage was told that they would receive a phone call to notify them of the location and only people on the guest list would be allowed to enter. It was very private and Baron had the pleasure of attending the same ball a few years back. He thought bringing A’shai was a great way to celebrate his accomplishment. He also knew that it was a good way to get A’shai’s feet wet in the corporate black market.

“You know, your mother was very proud of you yesterday,” Baron said as he poured champagne into the flute. A’shai smiled and nodded his head as he remained silent. They sat in parking lot of the Hilton that Copyright 2016 - 2024