Murderville Page 0,33

to panic. It was the chance of a lifetime . . . the chance to flee and every girl took the opportunity. Scantily clad women and men ran in every direction, causing Liberty to lose sight of Trixie.

“Trix! Trixie!” Liberty called out into the crowd. She didn’t see her girl, but she had to keep running. She was already too far gone to turn back now. Liberty ran in the opposite direction of the crowd, while covering herself as best as she could. It was broad daylight outside and she knew that she wouldn’t get very far without any clothing. Once she was a few blocks away she ran down a deserted alley and cowered behind a dumpster. She would have to wait until nightfall before she could run any further. In the meantime she looked up and down skid row, making herself aware of her surroundings just in case she needed to find a quick escape.

Liberty burst into the corner store, causing a scene, as she pushed past the customers at the counter. She knocked on the bulletproof glass causing Juan to look at her like she was crazy.

“Liberty? What the . . . ?”

“I need the key . . . the key, Juan, please,” she said desperately as she looked around nervously. She knew that she was taking a risk by coming to collect her stash, but without it she would be stuck. She had gone all day on E, and her body was craving a fix so badly that every part of her ached. He passed her the key and watched as she frantically headed to the bathroom. Once inside she locked the door and rushed to remove the back from the porcelain toilet, but when she looked inside and saw nothing but clear water the contents of her stomach came up. The money was gone and although it had not been much, it was all she had to get by. There was only one other person who knew where her money was stashed.

I trusted her, Liberty thought, knowing that Trixie had gotten to the money first. A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. “Just a minute!” she called through the door.

“It’s Juan!”

Liberty unlocked the door, and he opened it slightly. “I’ve got some clothes for you. Nothing fancy . . . just some sweats,” he said.

“Did Trixie come here?” she asked as tears fell down her cheeks.

“I don’t know. My shift just started not too long ago,” Juan said. “You need some help a’ something?”

“No . . . the clothes are enough . . . thank you.” Her voice cracked as she spoke and he wanted to press the issue, but decided that he didn’t want to become involved in whatever problem she had gotten herself into.

“Lib, I don’t mean to put you out but the customers. . . .”

“Don’t worry. I’m leaving,” she whispered as she wiped her nose. A shiver ran down her spine. She quickly dressed and dropped her head as she headed towards the exit. She didn’t even see the black limousine that was sitting curbside outside of the store until it was too late. She was snatched up before she could protest and stuffed inside the car.

“Don’t make a scene, Liberty,” Abia said as soon as Liberty’s behind hit the leather seats.

“Am I going to die?” Liberty asked. She didn’t want to beat around the bush. She had seen girls be killed for much less.

“No,” Abia answered shortly. “The bad days are over Liberty. I told you a long time ago that you had to earn your stripes. You have done that. Now you’re ready . . . I’m about to introduce you to an entirely new world. The pain is over. It’s time to enjoy the spoils of this business.”

“And Trixie? Where is she?” Liberty asked.

“You mean the guy who grabbed the gun?” Abia asked.

“Don’t call her that. She’s more woman than you’ll ever be,” Liberty shot back.

Abia smiled at Liberty’s loyalty, knowing that men paid top dollar for that type of dedication.

“She wasn’t caught, and she better hope that she never is. They will kill her for a stunt like the one she pulled,” Abia replied honestly. “Now I don’t have time to babysit. At this level it’s no longer enslavement, Liberty. You’re not trapped here, but most of the girls choose to stay. Spend one day with me . . . let me show you the ropes . . . if you don’t like what you see Copyright 2016 - 2024