Murderville Page 0,32

into a large communal bathroom and one-by-one, pushed into the shower stalls. They stood still, arms outstretched as soapy water was poured over their heads and the workers washed them from head to toe with a coarse sponge. Like livestock they were processed until they were standing side by side in only their undergarments, shivering, as wind filled the drafty warehouse.

The doors were opened as two black limousines pulled inside. Liberty already knew who sat behind the tinted windows. They had only had one conversation, but over the years she had seen her come and go, each time choosing a few new girls but always leaving Liberty behind. The door opened and all that could be seen was the six-inch, red-bottom heel that emerged from the car. Finally Abia stepped out, looking more glamorous than ever before in a short mink jacket and a mini-dress that had come straight off the runway. Her eyes flew down the line quickly as she immediately pointed out a couple girls that appeared valuable. Her beauty was so intimidating that even the most arrogant of the streetwalkers became unsure. Those who covered themselves were instantly written off Abia’s list of hopefuls. There was nothing she could do with an insecure young girl . . . she needed the sharks . . . the arrogant ones out of the bunch who were well-versed in the business of sex. She only wanted the bad bitches in her brothels because that’s what it took to play the game at her level.

Liberty stood indifferent as she rolled her eyes slightly as Abia passed her. Liberty had been through this process many times before and her nerves were non-existent. As Abia was about to move onto the next girl, Liberty sucked her teeth causing Abia to halt mid-step. She looked sharply at Liberty and returned to stand directly in front of her. She smirked slightly, sensing a change in Liberty. Abia had purposefully bypassed Liberty over the years because she was soft. Liberty hadn’t been ready. Her emotions had always betrayed her sensitive heart, but as Abia stood before her, this time she sensed a change. The streets had finally accomplished the act of hardening Liberty.

“I want her,” Abia said as Liberty looked at her in shock. Abia kept it moving down the line as she chose more girls. Just as quickly as she had come she left.

“She picked me,” Liberty whispered. She turned to Trixie in disbelief, but when she noticed the dismal look on her friend’s face she realized what that meant. For the first time in eight years they were about to be split up. The devastation on Trixie’s face caused Liberty’s lip to tremble from grief as her heart broke in half. She hadn’t felt this in so long, and as she gripped Trixie’s hand her thoughts drifted to A’shai. She had thought of him often during her time on the streets but she always forced him to the back of her mind because she knew that she would never see him again. It was easier to just not think of him at all. A’shai had been her first love and best friend, but Trixie had been her only friend since him. She loved Trixie with all of her heart. They were brought together by circumstance and now they were being forced apart by a system that ranked Liberty higher simply because she was a real woman. She felt the same feeling of loss and the familiar hurt filled her as she looked Trixie in the eyes.

“I’m getting out of here, Lib. I’m not staying here without you,” Trixie whispered as she shook her head from side-to-side. As Liberty was pulled from the line, she reached for Trixie.

“No, I’m not leaving her here!” she protested as she lunged away from the men while crying hysterically. Flashbacks of being torn away from A’shai ran through her mind. It felt as if she were reliving the same hell all over again. As Liberty was dragged towards the second awaiting limo all eyes were on her as the shepherds attempted to calm her down. Amidst the chaos Trixie grabbed one of the AK-47’s from one of the men and began firing. The hair trigger caused bullets to fly as everyone ducked for cover. Trixie ran full speed towards the exit and out of instinct, Liberty snatched away from the men and took off after her. The screams of the other girls and the array of gunfire caused everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024