Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,75

moment, then moved toward the bathroom. She could see Woody through the open door. He was heating heroin on a pibce of aluminum foil. As it began to liquify and evaporate, she watched Woody inhale t the smoke from a rolled up straw he held in his mouth. Kendall stepped into the bathroom. ' ... T He looked around and grinned. ', Sis!' He turned and inhaled deeply again. ' God's sake! Stop thatv ', relax. You know what this is called? Chasing the dragon. See the little dragon curling up in the smoke?' He was smiling happily. ', please let me talk to you. ', Sis. What can I do for you? I know it's not a money problem. We're billionaires! What are you looking so depressed about? The sun is out, and it-s a beautiful day!' His eyes were glistening. Kendall stood there looking at him, filled with compassion. ', I had a talk with Peggy. She told me how you got started on drugs at the hospital.' He nodded. '. Best thing that ever happened to me.". It's the most terrible thing that ever happened to you. Do you have any idea what you're doing with your li fet "Sure I do. It's called living it up, Sis!' She took his hand and said, earnestly, ' need help."? I don't need any help. I'm fine!", you aren't. Listen to me, Woody. This is your life we're talking about, and it's not only your life. Think of Peggy. For years you've put her through a living hell, and she stood for it because she loves you so much destroyin-gyhoeur'sre ''vnelygdoetstrooydiong your life, you, re something about this now, before it's too late. It's not important how you got started on drugs. The important thing is that you get off them.' Woody's smile faded. He looked into Kendall's eyes and started to say something, then stopped. ' . '?" He licked his lips. ' ... I know you're right. I want to stop. I've tried. God, how I've tried. But I can't.' Cof course, you can,' she said fiercely.

"You can do it. We're going to beat this together. Peggy and I are behind you. Who supplies you with heroin, Woody?' He stood there, looking at her in astonishment. ' God! You don't know?' Kendall shook her head. '.' 4peggy.
Chapter Twenty-seven
Simon Fitzgerald looked at the gold locket for a long time. ' knew your mother, Julia, and I liked her. She was wonderful with the Stanford children, and they adored her." adored them, too,' Julia said. ' used to talk to me about them all the time." happened to your mother was terrible. You can't imagine what a scandal it created. Boston can be a very small town. Harry Stanford behaved very badly. Your mother had no choice bui to leave.' He shook his head. ' must have been very difficult for the two of you." had a hard time. The awful thing was that 1 -think she still loved Harry Stanford, in spite of everything.' She looked at Steve. ' don't understand what's happening.

Why doesn't my family want to see met The two men exchanged a look. ' me explain,' Steve said. He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. ' short time ago, a woman showed up here, claiming . be Julia Stanford." ' that's impossible!' Julia said. ''m ...' Steve held up a hand. ' know. The family hired a private detective to make sure she was authentic." they found out that she wasn't.". They found out that she was.' Julia looked at him, bewildered. '?" detective said he found fingerprints that the woman had taken when she got a- driver's license in San Francisco when she was seventeen and they matched the prints of the woman calling herself Julia Stanford.' Julia was more puzzled than ever. ' I ... I've never been in Indiana." Fitzgerald said, ', there may be an elaborate conspiracy going on to get Part of the Stanford estate. I'm afraid you're caught in the middle of it." can'tbelieve it" ' is behind this can't afford to have two Julia Stanfords around.' Steve added, ' only way the plan can work successfully is to get you out of the way." you say "out of the *ay ... "' She stopped, remembering something. ', nol" is itt Fitzgerald asked. ' nights ago I talked to my roommate; and she was hysterical. She said a man came to our apartment with a knife and tried to attack Copyright 2016 - 2024