Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,74

say, '... and Kansas City,' and Steve hurried out to the loading platform. Julia was just starting to get on the bus. ' it!' he called. She turned, startled. Steve hurried up to her. ' want to talk to you.' She looked at him, angry. ' have nothing more to say to you.' She turned to go.

IRL He grabbed her arm. ' a minute! We really have to talk." bus is leaving."'ll be another one." suitcase is on it." Steve turned to a porter. ' woman is about to have a baby. Get her suitcase out of there. Quick!' The porter looked at Julia in surprise.

"Right.' He hurriedly opened the luggage compartment. ' is yours, lady?' Julia turned to Steve, puzzled. ' you know what you're doing?"

"No,' Steve said. She studied him a moment, then made a decision. She pointed to, her suitcase. ' one.' The porter pulled it out. ' you want me to get you an ambulance or anything?"

"hank you. I'll be fine." Steve picked up the suitcase, and they headed for the exit. ' you had breakfastt ''m not hungry,' she said coldly. ''d better have something. You're eating for two now, you know.' They had breakfast at Julien. Julia sat across from Steve, her body rigid with anger. When they had ordered, Steve said, ''m curious about something. What made you think you could claim part of the Stanford estate without any proof at all of your identity?' She looked at him indignantly. ' didn't go there to claim part of the Stanford estate. My father wouldn't have left anything to me. I wanted to meet my family. Obviously they didn't want to meet me." you have any documents ... any kind of proof at all of who you are?' She thought of all the clippings piled up in her apartment and shook her head. '. Nothing."'s someone I want you to talk to." is Simon Fitzgerald.' Steve hesitated. ' ... ' Stanford.' Fitzgerald said skeptically, ' down, miss.' Julia sat on the edge of a chair, ready to get up and walk out. Fitzgerald was studying her. She had the Stanford deep gray eyes, but so did lots of other people. ' claim you're Rosemary Nelson's daughter." don't claim anything. I am Rosemary Nelson's daughter." where is your mother?" died a number of years ago.", I'm sorry to hear that.

Could you tell us about her?",'Julia said. ' really would rather not.'She stood up. ' want to get out of here.", we're trying to help you,' Steve said. She turned on him. ' you? My family doesn9t want to see me. You want to turn me over to the police. I don't need that kind of help.' She started toward the door. Steve said, '!

If you are who you say you are, you must have something that will prove you're Harry Stanford9s daughter." told you, I don't,' Julia said.

"My mother and I shut Harry Stanford out of our lives." did. your mother look liket Simon Fitzgerald asked. ' was beautiful,' Julia said. Her voice softened. ' was the loveliest ...' She remembered something. ' have a picture of her.' She took a small gold heart shaped locket from around her neck and handed it to Fitzgerald. He looked at her a moment, then opened the locket. On one side was a picture of Harry Stanford, and on the other side a picture of Rosemary Nelson. The inscription read TO R.N. wrrh LOVE, H.s. The date was 1969. Simon Fitzgerald stared at the locket for a long time. When he looked up, his voice was husky. ' owe you an apology, my dear.' He turned to Steve.

"This is Julia Stanford."
Chapter Twenty-six
Kendall had been unable to get the conversation with Peggy out of her mind. Peggy seemed incapable of coping with the situation by herself "Woody's trying hard. He really is ... Oh, I love him so much!' He needs a lot of help, Kendall thought. I have to do something. He's my brother., I must talk to him. Kendall went to find Clark. ' Mr. Woodrow at homet ', ma'am. I believe he's in his room." you.' She thought of the scene at the table, with Peggy's bruised face. ' happened.?" bumped into a door ...'How couldshe haveput up with it all this time? Kendall went upstairs and knocked on the door to Woody's room. There was no answer. '?' She opened the door and stepped inside. A bitteralmond smell permeated the room. Kendall stood there a Copyright 2016 - 2024