More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,99

damn if I wasn’t horny as hell with my hot nurse waiting on me around the clock. I pushed to my feet, lifting her with me, and dropping her down on the bed.

“What is it that you think you’re doing?” She smiled and pushed herself up on her elbows to look at me.

“I’d like to be doing you,” I said, dropping down and propping myself above her. I stared down at her jade greens.

“You’re such a perv.” She rolled her eyes.

“A perv that’s crazy about his girl.” I tipped her all the way back and kissed her neck. Her breaths came hard and fast, and I grazed her ear with my lips as her fingers tangled in my hair.

“I can see that. And I’m crazy about you. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m going to be performing tomorrow night. I’m also ready to start working out with Gio again. Sex is a walk in the park,” I said with a smirk.

“You’re not working out with Gio yet. Dr. Wallace said you needed to wait four weeks. You have a few more days.”

“So technical, baby.”

She laughed and I swear my chest squeezed. Jade Moore had turned me into a big fucking pussy, but I wouldn’t tell her that.

“Well, a little workout might be fine.” She wriggled her brows.

I took that as my cue and covered her mouth with mine. There was no part of this girl that I didn’t love.

I settled between her legs and pressed into her, so she’d know just how much I wanted her. Hell, I always wanted her.

She arched up and I pulled her T-shirt over her head. She reached for mine, and I helped her yank it off and tossed it to the floor. I unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down her legs, taking her pink panties right along with them.


I could sketch this girl for the rest of my life and never run out of inspiration. She was that fucking beautiful.

She sat forward and pushed my joggers down and stopped to trace the small scar on my abdomen with her finger where they’d removed part of my spleen. I reached around and found the small scar on the back of her head.

“These are our battle wounds, baby,” I said, leaning down to kiss her.

“They led us here.”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be.” And with those words, I tipped her back and settled above her.

Taking my time. Kissing every inch of her glorious body. I relished the sweet moans that escaped her and kissed my way down her body, burying my face between her thighs.

Nowhere else I’d rather be.

Wasn’t that the fucking truth.

“More Of Me” was the last song I sang, at my final show as the lead singer of Exiled. It felt fucking good. This song was inspired by my girl, and I was walking my ass off the stage tonight to start a new life with her. And I was more than ready.

The last two weeks on tour had been epic. We introduced new music, I had Jade by my side, and my body had healed to the point that I was feeling like myself again. When I found my girl waiting for me beside the stage like she always did, I pulled her in my arms and hugged her. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and she kissed me hard.

“I’m proud of you, Winslow.” She pulled back to look at me.

“Nothing to be proud of, baby. You and me are just getting started,” I said, glancing over her shoulder to see my brother bent down on the floor beside our mother.

Mom wanted to be at my last show, as she’d been more present in our lives this last year than she’d ever been before. Jade turned her head to the side to follow my gaze and she slid down my body.

“Is she okay?”

“I have no idea. Let’s go find out,” I said.

My mother sat on the floor, her hands covered her face Copyright 2016 - 2024