More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,98

“I know you are. No more secrets, okay?”

“No more secrets,” I said.

“What happened? How long have I been out?”

“You were in an accident last night.” I glanced down at my phone for the time, and my voice trembled as I told him what happened. “Over twenty-four hours ago. They removed part of your spleen, and you have a punctured lung and a few broken ribs.”

“Yeah, I’m sore as hell. Where are we?”

“We’re in Temple, Texas,” I said, my fingers intertwining with his.

“Jesus. I didn’t get very far. I remember seeing a car coming toward me on my side of the road.”

“We don’t have any details yet, but apparently a few people had called in to report a person driving reckless and swerving between lanes, and the police were right behind him when he crossed over and hit you. The nurse told us he was presumed drunk and given a sobriety test. But we haven’t heard anything certain yet. Luckily the police were there, and they were able to get you to the hospital right away.”

“Holy shit. Is the other guy okay?” he asked.

I shook my head. “According to the nurse, he’s fine. But I’d like to have a few minutes alone with him in a room.”

“You going to use your ninja moves on him?” he teased.

“Sure am. I love you.”

“Love you more,” he said.

The three words I most needed to hear.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I’d spent almost two weeks in the hospital in Temple before Jade and I headed home to Chicago. I’d been here recuperating for another week and a half. The doctor had agreed it would be okay for me to try to perform the last two weeks of the tour, so I could officially transition out of Exiled and close that chapter of my life. We could have just called it done after the accident, but I wanted to do it right and pass the baton to Zach. I owed it to the guys and to the fans. Jade had assured Dr. Wallace that if it was too much, she would make sure I sat out the second half of the set. The girl had been playing nurse since the day I woke up in the hospital, and I fucking loved it. I wasn’t used to being cared for the way Jade cared for me. We’d been through a shit ton together, and I was ready for a simpler life with her.

We were flying to Los Angeles tomorrow for two weeks, and then I’d be done touring with the band. Jade and I had put what happened with my father behind us. I knew she’d only been trying to protect me, and I couldn’t fault her for that. I hadn’t heard from my father since the night of our argument at the hotel. Not during the two weeks I’d been in the hospital, and not since I’d been released. And I was okay with that. My accident had been covered on every news channel, so there was no way he’d missed what happened. But I served my father no purpose when I wasn’t on stage performing, and the man had a one-track mind.

“What are you doing out of bed?” Jade huffed when she came into the bedroom. We were staying at the rental house she shared with Ari. Ari’s boyfriend Jace would be moving in next week, and Jade would be officially moving out.

“I wanted to sit at the desk and sketch a little. I don’t need to lay down, baby. I’m good.”

“I know, but we ran a lot of errands today, and I don’t want you to overdo it. The next two weeks are going to be a lot for you.”

“I’m good. Come here,” I said, tugging on her hand and pulling her to sit on my lap.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Winslow,” she said, squirming around with a laugh.

“It only hurts me when you stay away.”

“Is that so?” she asked, settling on my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck.

“It is so.”

We hadn’t had sex since my accident, and Copyright 2016 - 2024