More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,88

the runway and pulled my wheeled bag behind me. When Cruz exited the vehicle, I dropped everything and started running. I met him with a whoosh and nearly knocked the wind out of both of us.

“You weren’t supposed to be here,” I said the breathy words against his ear.

“I couldn’t wait to see you.”

I tangled my hands in his hair and kissed him. I swore my body burned like the sun every time he touched me.

“Thanks for coming to get me,” I said, pulling away as he dropped me to my feet.

“Come on, show’s starting in a little bit.” His fingers intertwined with mine as he led me to the car.

“Yeah, you’re cutting it close.”

“It’s fine. How was your last final?” he asked.

“I still can’t believe I’m done. It went well. I just feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

“Yeah. That’s got to feel good. And you graduate in a week. You did it,” he said, pulling me on his lap.

I laughed as his scruff tickled against my neck.

“It feels really good,” I smiled, because I also felt particularly good at the moment.

He chuckled against my skin. “Missed you, baby.”

“Missed you more. But we did it. We made it. We’ll go back for graduation and then I can travel with you for your last month. And then we move to New York. How is this our life?” I said, throwing my arms in the air.

He smiled. “We’re pretty fucking lucky.”

“Yeah. We sure are.”

We pulled in front of the venue and several security guards waited outside. My how times had changed. Cruz would be bombarded if he tried to step out of the car alone at a show now.

“Stay right in front of me and keep your head down. Donny will lead you in.”

“Got it.” I gave him a quick kiss before moving to my feet.

I grabbed onto a fistful of Donny’s shirt as the screams were deafening. My god. These people were out of control. I wondered if Cruz would miss all of this.

We made our way inside and Lennon charged me. “Missed you, Jade.”

“I missed you too. Where’s Bailey?”

Just then Lennon’s girlfriend Bailey came running around the corner and hugged me. “So glad you’re here. We can watch the show together.”

“Yes, I’m excited.”

Everyone came out and said their hellos. Adam gave me a hug and we talked about how bad we felt for Tory. She couldn’t come to this show because her grandfather passed away, and she was at the funeral.

“I feel fucking bad I can’t be there for her,” Adam said.

“I stopped by and saw her this morning before I left. She is doing okay. She understands that you can’t just leave a sold-out show. Don’t stress. She’ll be here soon.”

“Alright, thanks,” he said.

Luke walked over and gave me a hug and asked all about my classes. He really was a good friend to Cruz, and I was thankful that he always looked out for my boyfriend.

“Hey, little mama. Glad to see you,” Tia yelled as she slapped me on the butt and ran out on stage.

I don’t know that I’d ever have a good read on that girl, but I liked her. Yes, I’d wanted to hate her for a brief time after she’d kissed Cruz on stage, but I knew there was nothing there and it was a publicity stunt. It sure as hell stung at the time, but now it had become a bit of a joke every time I saw her.

We moved to the side of the stage while Luke and Lennon talked, and I watched Tia perform. Cruz had his arms around my middle, his chest to my back and his chin rested on my shoulder. Bailey stood beside me watching her sister, and I saw the pride in her eyes.

“She’s really come into her own, huh?” I said to Bailey. Tia was one hell of an opening act, and she’d added in Copyright 2016 - 2024