More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,87

Luke said. Arnie was the lead guy on our legal team, and it was time to bring everyone in.

I phoned Bernard when I got back to my room and told him to keep his eye out for both my father and Dex. Someone was trying to blow up my life and no better way to get to me than to fuck with Jade. Bernard agreed to stay close and let me know if he saw anyone suspicious near Jade.

My adrenaline was still pumping since my workout with Gio. I’d been pissed off after meeting with my father, and I’d spent a few hours beating the shit out of the bag at the gym. But right now, I needed to get my game face on, as this was the largest crowd we’d ever performed for.

“How you doin’ tonight, Nashville?” I shouted, and the crowd went crazy.

Nashville never disappointed.

“Zach and I are going to kick things off with a new one for you tonight.”

People screamed from the crowd, chanting More of Me, the song I’d written for Jade. It was our most requested song, and everyone knew the story behind it now, as I’d done a dozen interviews over the last year answering questions about it. Someone shouted, “I want more Jade.”

“Yeah, get in line, buddy. We all want more fucking Jade. You’re preaching to the choir,” I said, as the crowd went nuts with cheers and laughter. “I’ll definitely sing More of Me before the night’s over, but let’s give Zach some fucking encouragement to get his ass out here and belt out a little something we’re singing for the first time here in Nashville.”

The screams were deafening.

Zach joined me on stage with a laugh, before grabbing his mic and talking to the crowd, “This guy definitely knows how to kick off a show, huh?”

I nodded to Adam to start the music for the edgy alternative rock song we’d been working on. A little something inspired by my father and the timing couldn’t be more fitting.

“This is called, Won’t hurt at all to say goodbye,” I purred into the microphone as Adam and Lennon started the music.

Walk away, with no remorse,

You’ve held us down, you’ve run your course.

You use your power like a knife,

Wielding it throughout our life.

No more evil, no more pain,

The sun is out, there’s no more rain,

Damage done, no time for more,

A broken family, no longer four.

Flaunt your power, flash your green

Dark and evil, don’t need a thing.

Your shit don’t work, we’ve risen high,

Won’t hurt at all to say goodbye.

Finally free, and on our way,

What do you know, there’s more to say,

Thankful you were never around,

Thought we were lost, but now we’re found,

Don’t need no numbing, just working through,

Learned from others about what to do.

We rose above, and found our way,

While you had nothing good to say.

You came up short, you’ve got no class,

Out there chasing teenage ass.

Flaunt your power, flash your green

Dark and evil, don’t need a thing.

Your shit don’t work, we’ve risen high,

Won’t hurt at all to say goodbye.

The crowd roared after the last note, and it felt fucking good to get this off my chest. Words that had been burning a hole in my soul for far too long. Lennon wrote the music in one night. Like he felt the fucking song deep inside too.

We performed for another couple hours, and ended with More of Me, before saying goodnight. I was fucking beat, but I felt good.

I didn’t need booze to function.

I didn’t need pills to sleep.

I’d left all that darkness in my rearview.

And it felt fucking good.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I thanked Ponch for flying me to Los Angeles and exited the plane. I saw the waiting car at the end of Copyright 2016 - 2024