More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,54

and finally whole.

Don’t give up on me, time will tell,

To heal and love and not to dwell.

Clinging hard to my safe place,

Scared to see your beautiful face.

Those honeyed eyes see right through me,

They know just who I want to be.

I miss you more than I can say,

My love for you grows every day.

My heart beats slow when not with you,

My only love, my only Cruz.

A weight lifted off my shoulders once I hit send. I’d finally said everything I needed to, and I was ready to move forward. Whatever that meant. Cruz would be gone for the next month on his European tour, so we had time to figure things out. I needed to be on my own right now, but I was ready to let go of all this anger and fear. I closed my laptop and grabbed my bag and started my trek over to the medical school. The future was bright, and I was ready.

For all of it.

Several hours later, after interviewing with a doctor, a professor and a student, I was done. I was hit with an overwhelming sense of relief. I felt like it went well, and I didn’t let my nerves get the best of me.

“How’d it go?” Richard asked as we walked out together. We’d both interviewed on the same day.

“I think it went well. I feel good,” I said, reaching in my purse to turn on my phone. I promised Dad, Cruz and Ari I’d text them right after.

“Long day, huh?” he said. We’d arrived at the interview first thing this morning, and six hours later we were finally heading home.

“Yes. I’m glad to be done.” I laughed and waved goodbye when it was time to veer off to my house. “See you later.”

“Yeah, see ya, Jade.”

I was glad Richard and I could remain friends. When I walked through the door, I dropped down on the couch and saw a text from Cruz.

Cruz ~ Powerful words, baby. You gutted me—but in the best way. Best lyrics I’ve ever read. Straight from the heart. Can’t wait to discuss when I see you. Boarding the plane now for London. Let me know how the interview went. Love you more.

I was happy he was impressed by what I’d written. I shot everyone a quick group text to let them know I was done, and it went well. Ari came bounding through the front door.

“We’re celebrating tonight. I’m so proud of you and I’m not taking no for an answer,” she said, dropping down on the couch beside me.

I laughed. I actually wanted to go out and celebrate, and I hadn’t felt like that in a long time. “I’m totally down.”

“Holy hell. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m trying to be a normal college kid, remember?”

“You’ve never been normal, but that’s what I love about you.” She wrapped her arms around me and laughed. “Yay. Everyone is going out tonight. Beer shots on me.”

I had learned my freshman year in college that me and tequila did not get along. So, I stuck to beer. I’d occasionally take shots of beer, so it looked like I was joining in on the fun. My best friend had taken a liking to my little invention as well.

“Who’s going?”

“Jace, Brayden, Sage, Cam, Lucas, Mila, you, and me,” she said, tugging me by the hand toward her room. “Let’s find you something cute to wear.”

An hour later, Ari and I were cleaned up and heading out the door. We were all meeting for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant not far from campus. Viva Mercado’s was a local hotspot, especially for college kids as we could load up on rice and beans which came free with your meal. The place was small with dim lighting, oversized booths, and the best chips and salsa I’d ever had.

“Oooh girl, look at you,” Mila said, as she slid beside me in Copyright 2016 - 2024