More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,53

We’re going to keep that little confession right here in this book.

The thing is—Jack encourages me to pursue my dreams. I can go after everything I want with him by my side. I love that about him. So, you heard it here first. Someday I’m going to marry that boy.

I used to think you had to choose. You know, between a career and a relationship. As much as I love my mom, I want more out of life. Mom is content being a wife and a mother. I never saw that as my path. I’ve always wanted to make a name for myself. Accomplish things. Impact the world. But I realize now that I can have both. I can do all of those things and be a wife and a mom. Who knew? LOL. Okay, off to work. I have places to be, and people to impress. Oh, and a hot fireman who is taking me to dinner tonight. Does it get any better than this life that I’m living? I don’t think so.

Ciao for now,


I laughed as I closed Mom’s journal and tucked it back in my desk drawer. Even though she wasn’t here with me, she was always teaching me about life through her words. And she was right. Life was filled with gray areas. I had always been a black and white type of girl, and I was learning that gray areas weren’t the worst thing in the world. You couldn’t control who you loved, or the curve balls life threw at you. And there was no hard and fast rule on forgiveness. And I needed to remember that.

My phone vibrated beside me.

Cruz ~ Good luck today, rock star. You’re going to kick ass. You never sent me the lyrics you wrote. I’m dying here, More Jade. Give me something.

I laughed. It had been a few days and I was still holding back.

Turns out, Cruz Winslow was my gray area.

I pulled up the lyrics on my laptop before sending them to him. I didn’t really know if they were actual lyrics, or just my thoughts. But I’d been working on this since I left for Honduras. I wanted him to know how I felt about him. I’d tried so hard to make him believe that I’d moved on and was dating other people, but the reality was—I hadn’t moved on at all. I’d just kept him at a distance. That’s why I didn’t share this with him before now. I’d been punishing him for what happened, and it was time to let it go. To forgive. To remember that we’re all human and imperfect. I’d been holding on to anger and it was time to make peace with it. I didn’t include a message with the email. I just sent what I’d written, because I knew he’d understand.

I’m so alone and lost right now,

Want to forget but don’t know how.

This broken heart beats just for you,

How to move forward—don’t have a clue.

You woke me up, you made me whole,

My trust, my heart, you all but stole.

But broken hearts take time to mend,

Don’t want to lose my closest friend.

You showed me life in a new light,

Bright and shiny and worth the fight.

Losing you, means losing me,

Don’t know how to act or who to be.

I want you back but it’s too soon,

My everything—my sun, my moon.

Loving someone beyond the norm,

Means allowing your heart to be ripped and torn.

My safe cocoon tucked deep inside,

Protect my heart and try to hide.

You’re such a force, so hard to fight,

My painful cries haunt me at night.

There’s no one else I’ll ever love,

Not another soul to the sky above.

My one and only, that is you,

My only love, you know it’s true.

I dream that you are holding me,

On the beach and running free.

Sing me songs deep from your soul,

I am yours, Copyright 2016 - 2024