More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,50

after, but regardless, I could be there for Jade on a day that was difficult for her.

Jade’s mother passed away on Halloween when she was only five years old, and this day had continued to be filled with darkness for her ever since. Though we weren’t technically together right now, I’d made a promise to always be there for her and it was one I intended to keep.

“Does Jade know you’re here?” Lennon asked as we stepped off the plane in Chicago.

“She told me not to come because she had class today, and she claimed she was going to dinner with Dick, but I knew I needed to be here. I’m still not sure why you’re here though,” I said with a laugh. I lit up a smoke and inhaled. My brother had insisted on coming with me tonight. I was only able to be here until tomorrow morning, but it was worth it to me to make sure Jade was okay.

“Because you told me she had plans with another dude, and I just want to be here for backup. You know. Just in case you need me.”

I stopped abruptly and put out my cigarette as we approached our waiting car and turned to look at my brother. “Holy shit. You’re worried I’m going to slip up? My how times have changed.” I chuckled.

“I’m not worried you’re going to drink or anything. I’m worried you’re going to beat the shit out of someone and make things worse with Jade,” he said, sliding in the car beside me.

“Listen. I know Jade. And I know when she needs me. And she needs me today. No one is beating the shit out of anyone. If I get there and she’s actually with the dude, I’ll leave.”

“Bullshit. If you saw her with someone else you wouldn’t leave.” He laughed and grabbed a water from his backpack and chugged it.

“I keep my fights in the gym. Plus, Dick is not her type. Trust me.”

“Then why is she dating him?” Lennon rolled his eyes.

“She’s not. She’s trying to convince herself that she likes him. It’s a Jade thing. Don’t try to figure it out.”

His head fell back, and he laughed. “Alright, brother. I’m going to have to trust you. So where are we going first?”

“You’re going to our house, and I’m going to her house,” I said, quirking a brow at him.

He studied me. “Will you call me if there’s a problem?”

“There’s not going to be a problem.”

“Okay, if you say so,” he said when we pulled up in front of Jade’s house.

“I say so. I’ll see you later. Go do something. You’re too young to sit around worrying.”

I heard him chuckle as I stepped out of the car. Was I worried that Jade would be with Dick? Not really. For some reason, my bat senses told me there wasn’t anything there. But my girl had decided we couldn’t be together right now, and whatever she needed to do to prove it to me, I’d have to go along with. At the moment, she wanted me to be her friend, so that’s what I’d be. Because I’d fucked up and this was where we were.

I knocked on the door and Ari stood on the other side when she flung it open. “I knew you’d come.”

“Well, I came uninvited, so we’ll see if she lets me stay. Is Dick here?” I asked, keeping my voice down.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “What? No. Richard’s not here. Between you and I, I’ve never even met the guy,” she whispered. “She’s been in bed since she got home from school. She didn’t even go to research. Says she’s sick. It actually breaks my heart, because I don’t know what to do to help her.”

“Alright. I’ll take it from here.” I rumpled her hair and made my way to the back bedroom.

The room was dark, and just a bit of light streamed in where her curtains gapped open. I sat on the side of her bed and pushed the hair back from her face. Her eyes sprung open, and she took Copyright 2016 - 2024