More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,49

way and now he was having a temper tantrum like a child.

“I’m not judging you. I’m calling it as I see it. I’m not lying to Mom for you.”

“But you’ll spend my money, right?”

“For fuck’s sake, get over yourself. I make a shit ton of money on my own from Exiled. I have a trust fund from grandfather. And as far as you constantly dangling your airplane over mine and Lennon’s heads—Mom reminded us that she owns half of everything, and those planes are just as much hers as they are yours. And seeing as you’re holding up the divorce, I don’t think you have a leg to stand on here,” I said.

“So, this is how it’s going to be. You and Lennon are siding with your mother.”

“There’re no sides, Dad. You fucked up. You cheated. This is your battle. I’m just telling you how it is. I took your call, didn’t I?” I wanted to throw this arrogant fucker a bone. Because for whatever reason, a part of me still wondered if he could redeem himself.

“Well, I own a big stake in Exiled. So technically, I’m your boss.”

I laughed. He was grasping at straws. “Alright. If you say so. I’m not even going to be in this band in a few months,” I said.

“We’ll see about that, Cruz. There are all sorts of loopholes when it comes to signing a contract, son. And as far as I can see, I own your ass.”

“Why the fuck do you even care? Exiled will be successful with or without me,” I hissed.

“Because whether you like it or not, you’re the star of the show. I know you want to believe it’s Lennon or Adam, but you’re wrong. And everyone knows it. No one gives a shit about those two. They care about you. And this band brings me in a shit ton of revenue, and unlike you, I don’t walk away from profitable endeavors.”

“Well, I’m okay with being different,” I said, knowing he was about to blow. I just didn’t care.

“We’re not as different as you think, Cruz.”

There is nothing he could say that I’d find more offensive than insisting we were alike.

It was my worst fear.

“I need to go. I have a test to take.”

“Still pushing this whole school concept, huh?” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah. I’m actually graduating in December, not that it means anything to you.”

“I don’t see the point of wasting time and energy on something that serves no purpose. You have a career as a musician. People would kill to be you. Yet you spend your time on something useless. What are you going to do with a degree? Nothing that will make you as much money as this does.”

“So, I take it you won’t be attending the ceremony?” My tone dripped sarcasm.

“You’d be correct. I’m not supporting a decision that I don’t agree with.”

“You mean you aren’t supporting a decision that doesn’t make you money,” I said.

“However you want to look at it, son.”

“Alright. I need to go. Make sure Dex knows he’s not coming back, so you both need to stop pursuing it. He needs to drop it, or we will expose him.”

“No, you won’t. Because you don’t want anyone to know what happened to Jade. I’m not stupid. You could have destroyed him. But she obviously doesn’t want what happened to go public, so you’ve kept it under wraps.”

“Just give him the fucking message,” I said, ending the call, before getting up and kicking the trash can across the room.

I picked up my phone and sent a text to Gio.

Me ~ I need to work out NOW.

Gio ~ Meet me downstairs in five.

I needed to hit something or someone, and I needed to do it now.

I’d insisted that we never had a show on Halloween when we signed with AF records, and it was something they’d respected. Not my best negotiating once I realized we’d have a show the day before and the day Copyright 2016 - 2024